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  1. M

    Great Aunt dies and comes and says goodbye

    This is an old thread, but was that frightening? Or comforting? Also I wonder why this doesn't happen to everyone. Maybe the deceased has to kind of request a last visit which God allows sometimes...
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    God as much of a woman as a man

    Jesus was a man and Jesus is God. It would be wrong to put a woman on a crucifix just as much as it would be wrong to refer to Yahweh as a goddess, in my opinion.
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    Governor Suspends Colorado Restaurant's Business License

    I heard it has to do with the distance it ravels with a cough, but then I don't know why other countries differ. Mexicans cough more gently? ^_^
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    I hate this situation, yet have to live through it

    I had it too, I believe, the last week of February and first week of March. Terrible pain in one lung (and aching for two weeks) and after leaning on my chest without thinking, I could hardly breathe it aggravated it so badly. I really didn't know if I would make it through that night and had to...
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    Ravi Zacharias...

    That's sad.. I have had close contact with his ministry through a Syrian friend and a publisher. :(
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    A Message to the Closed Church

    I wonder... :scratch:
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    Governor Suspends Colorado Restaurant's Business License

    In Mexico it's three feet, so I really don't know what the exact distance should be...
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    Gov. Cuomo's thank you and good bye kiss to first responders who came to help.

    I worked in IL and PA. i had to files taxes for both states and at least one of them wanted taxes from my income in the other state. After all that, IL claimed I didn't pay my taxes. So I sent all my paperwork to prove it and I simply got another letter saying they wanted me to pay my taxes...
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    Conspiracy theories and Christianity

    I'm not sure how a conspiracy theory is life-threatening, but we already have a disease which is life-threatening to certain people and I think it's definitely our business to discuss how this came to be.
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    Conspiracy theories and Christianity

    Well, I don't know if the point was to propagate anything but to get an opinion...
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    Conspiracy theories and Christianity

    I just read someone say the exact same thing as you in YouTube comments referencing another user trolling all his comments on videos. There's a conspiracy theory here somewhere... ^_^
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    Conspiracy theories and Christianity

    Wow I really have some issues with that article! ^_^ First of all, I think conspiracy theories are NOT usually because someone wants to feel special or make life more interesting. Good grief. Does anyone want to think that China is attempting biological warfare? Of course not! Also, I was not...
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    The darker story in China

    Tonight as I talked with my Spanish teacher via Skype about some of the issues China has brought to the US like coronavirus and tons of insect pests and destructive organisms, just as he began to say he believes COVID was intended for future biological warfare and it was released prematurely by...
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    The darker story in China

    Also after Westerners were sent home from China because of the pandemic, many are not being allowed back in including foreign teachers and families looking to adopt.
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    10 arrested in Argentina for clandestine Mass violating corona-lockdown rules

    The Mass took place in the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes, and was celebrated by 79-year-old Father José Mendiano. Less than a dozen parishioners took part in the liturgy, including two former police officers, Alejandro Sánchez and Enrique Miranda. Miranda today works as a lawyer, and spoke...
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    What part does doctrine play in becomign a christian?

    I think it's a matter of the soul - something that science can't explain and philosophy doesn't touch. When you become a Christian it isn't because what you hear lines up with what was already in your head, necessarily (though perhaps for some people it is the final piece of the puzzle they had...
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    Missing Glasses...

    Thank you all for praying, too! It's great to have clear vision again. I was just starting to have trouble with my old pair so the timing was perfect. And another little step of growth in my own faith.
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    Sort of sabbatical; what would you use it for?

    Well, I am back to work so I feel like I could have used my "time off" a little better. Though I was also working from home, so it wasn't a true break. But what I realized from my time at home was that at the end of the day we're still humans and have a limited degree of energy. So I would...
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    Missing Glasses...

    Everyone, I have found my glasses! Sunday morning I was laying in bed half awake and the thought popped into my mind "You haven't looked behind your synthesizer yet." Really random, but it was true. So I... forgot and never looked back there. Later that day I was looking for an SD card and...
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    CNN - UK coronavirus adviser resigns after reports his lover visited during lockdown

    They did shut down the liquor stores at first, but then argued it was essential because apparently it created a bigger problem. Still not sure where they got that idea because everything seemed fine where I was. most likely our leaders just got thirsty...