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  1. Billy Evmur

    Revelation 20 and the so-called millennial reign

    When folks stand up and grandly pronounce there will be no 1, 000 year reign of Christ with His saints, and you humbly point out to them the bible says there will be. And they sniff and say "ah this is only figurative" and you meekly ask them "the great white throne in the previous passage and...
  2. Billy Evmur

    Revelation 20 and the so-called millennial reign

    In the millennial age Jesus reigns manifestly and His enemies are put under His feet and the devil is bound. After the 1, 000 years the devil is loosed once more. Not only will Christ reign but the saints reign with Him here on earth
  3. Billy Evmur

    Who decided what would be in the Bible?

    we break bread remembering that His body was broken for us. In partaking of His body we become the body of Christ.
  4. Billy Evmur

    Who decided what would be in the Bible?

    Jesus said "do THIS in memory of Me" He took the bread blest it and break it. Catholics do all manner of things, waving of hands, bobbing up and down, holy incantations, but the simple thing Jesus said to do they do not. They also corrupt the ordinance of baptism.
  5. Billy Evmur

    Who decided what would be in the Bible?

    Catholics do not break bread. The bread broken is hugely significant as His body was broken for us. Catholics eat wafers made in a factory.
  6. Billy Evmur

    Revelation 20 and the so-called millennial reign

    He is not cast into prison as the scripture says. The answer is he is not bound and we do not yet see all of God's enemies under the feet of Jesus. We will see it in the Millennium.
  7. Billy Evmur

    Who decided what would be in the Bible?

    He took and blest it and break it Catholic communion bread is made in a factory, they do not break bread as the Lord commanded.
  8. Billy Evmur

    The "Fewness of the Saved"

    Christians are all like you, imperfect and prone to mistakes. If we stick together we can iron out the inconsistencies ... we need each other.
  9. Billy Evmur

    Revelation 20 and the so-called millennial reign

    you may have God on ignore too
  10. Billy Evmur

    The "Fewness of the Saved"

    It's nice to read history, it doesn't look anything like the history of the primitive church as related in the Acts of the Apostles. There is all simple believing and fellowship. And there we see and hear the Holy Spirit .... long since absent from the Catholic church and her sisters. That...
  11. Billy Evmur

    Who decided what would be in the Bible?

    Not Popes, Monsigniors, Cardinals, Archbishops, Canons and Priests. Where is the prophetic word? wholesome teaching? miracles, healing, administrations and tongues and interpretation? These are replaced with rituals and sacraments.
  12. Billy Evmur

    A few questions for Protestants

    Is then the Lord absent from His kingdom? ever? He is arisen and ascended and He has sent the Holy Ghost, He is always present when two or three of His people are met together in His name. Not to any other apostle? that's right, unto Peter. not to anybody else, not to any imaginary successor...
  13. Billy Evmur

    Revelation 20 and the so-called millennial reign

    meaning you have no adequate response
  14. Billy Evmur

    A few questions for Protestants

    Ignatius taught that bishops are to be obeyed as though they were the very Lord Himself ... that was founding of the Catholic church. The Pope is the acclaimed head of the church ... even if you say on earth it is still awful stuff.
  15. Billy Evmur

    Revelation 20 and the so-called millennial reign

    None of the apostles thought so, they teach us to be on our guard against him, a roaring lion seeking someone to devour ... his great deception is to make folks think he is not around or that his devilish work is not going on ... in the church.
  16. Billy Evmur

    The "Fewness of the Saved"

    all about church ... The temple the temple the temple .... some folks believe that the errors of Catholicism crept in bye and bye, over many centuries. I say it is a usurpation from the start founded upon the doctrines of Ignatius, a take over by the bishops creating a division between the...
  17. Billy Evmur

    Revelation 20 and the so-called millennial reign

    The Devil is not bound.
  18. Billy Evmur

    Revelation 20 and the so-called millennial reign

    YOU are a Dispensationalist. You are not under the law but under grace, all Christians are Dispensationalists. Do you believe that the "Great White Throne" judgement of the living and the dead is merely figurative also? why play hopscotch with scripture like that? "this is literal ... this is...
  19. Billy Evmur

    Who decided what would be in the Bible?

    The bible chooses itself. The church only admits that certain books are the ones most read and most cherished among all ranks and classes. If for instance "The apocalypse of Peter" were read and cherished among Christians or the "Epistle of Barnabas"they would be in the canon. The clergy class...
  20. Billy Evmur

    The "Fewness of the Saved"

    actually many were