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  1. SaintCody777

    Partial Preterist Only Where is the consistency in the partial preterist system?

    Partial preterists get criticism from both futurists and full-blown preterists that partial preterism is inconsistent because it sets most of the portion of Matthew 24, Mark 13, Daniel, and Revelations in and around 70 AD and the real 2nd coming, the Judgement, the General Resurrection, the...
  2. SaintCody777

    Pres Trump is asking all Christians to pray .

    Lord, Please, I pray for our country at the most CRITICAL moment of it's history. We have learned a lot this year and because of this many more people have became more active in Your faith. And I know that in Luke 15:10 and Matthew 18:10-14, that the angels cheer even just over one soul turning...
  3. SaintCody777

    Biden the Most Popular Candidate in U.S. History?

    Really, in states like in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, where Trump should have clearly won, why was there TENS OF THOUSANDS of people STRONG in his rallies. And Biden has some of the lamest rallies. Really, Stevie Wonder's You can feel it Around for a rally song?
  4. SaintCody777

    How do you want to be laid to rest?

    Cremation only makes sense to pagans, Hindus, humanists, and full-blown preterists. They all deny that there will be a visible, real 2nd coming and a real, physical, and a visible ressuruction of the dead. God can see if your body has been completely burned up or exploded. But, has not God...
  5. SaintCody777

    Where do you get your news?

    OAN; One American News
  6. SaintCody777

    When God doesn't take away your pain.

    But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world. After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm...
  7. SaintCody777

    What theological things were you mistaken about in your growing knowledge of God's Word?

    Destroy, in Greek, can also mean "ruin." For example, a car that gets smashed in a car wreck is considered "destroyed" by most people. But it still exists until it gets crushed and scrapped up. So going by the logic of annihiliationism (including Dualistic Conditional Immortality), the car all...
  8. SaintCody777

    What theological things were you mistaken about in your growing knowledge of God's Word?

    JWs believe in soul sleep between death and the resurrection.
  9. SaintCody777

    What theological things were you mistaken about in your growing knowledge of God's Word?

    But growing up and trying to find my way in the faith over the years, since I began my journey, all in my twenties (I'm 25 now), I got carried away and ping ponged back and forth by many different doctrines (Hebrews 13:9). I briefly became an Episcopalian who supported the right to gay marriage...
  10. SaintCody777

    What theological things were you mistaken about in your growing knowledge of God's Word?

    Perhaps my biggest theological thing that I, as a nominal Catholic before I was 20, when I started my journey to the faith, and most "Christians" are mistaken about is 1) Moralistic Therapeutic Deism: Basically, good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell. The deceptive cache here is...
  11. SaintCody777

    How could there be any living human beings in the Americas between the Flood and time of Columbus?

    I accept the literal 6, 24 hour day creation of the Earth. So therefore, I also accept that the flood was worldwide. There is even proof on the Grand Canyon that the WHOLE WORLD was flooded during the flood by the shape of the Canyons. The shape looks like they were washed and submerged with...
  12. SaintCody777

    Non-denominational or anti-denominational

    The point of a non denominational church is to simply follow the Bible without being chained to specific creeds or denominational doctrines. However what makes this simplicity somtimes more complicated is that there are entire sects that are not only supposedly non-denominational, but also anti...
  13. SaintCody777

    God's Standard-Flee Fornication

    And the very next verse is a dire warning about rejecting this instruction: 8 Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being but God, the very God who gives you his Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 4:8). Sexual sins are somethings many of us struggle with but God has...
  14. SaintCody777

    A Defense of Dualistic Conditional Immortality

    What I meant here was that I always thought that belief in ECT always has to come hand in hand with a literal, present, and temporal Hades, as specifically described in Luke 16, until the Great White Throne Judgement. And I known and still aware of the difference between Hades and the final...
  15. SaintCody777

    A Defense of Dualistic Conditional Immortality

    I always thought that there's a doctrinal trend that eternal torment has to come with a Biblically literally interpretation of Luke 16 and likewise soul sleep for annihiliation, as it is with SDAs, JWs, and Armstrongnites (eg United Church of God). But, still, if the unsaved are eventually going...
  16. SaintCody777

    To Cease or to Continue, that is the Question

    The "Holier than thou art" than I am talking about here has nothing got to do about their holiness code or lifestyle. I brought that code/lifestyle up only to distinguish the lifestyle of a Pentecostal from that of the Corinthians, who were sexually immoral to the degree that not even the world...
  17. SaintCody777

    To Cease or to Continue, that is the Question

    This would be a shock to the old-fashioned Pentecostals who see members of the Anglican and Lutheran churches as dead and lukewarm, and "lacking in the Holy Spirit." But Anglicanism and Lutheranism, along with Catholicism, Eastern and Oriental Orthodoxy, are continuationalist by definition.Thats...
  18. SaintCody777

    Rest In Peace Justice Ginsberg.

    She's also going to have to give an account for her LGBT standings during her career.
  19. SaintCody777

    Rest In Peace Justice Ginsberg.

    On OAN, as I was eating dinner, watching Trump hold a rally, all of the sudden, "Breaking News: Ruth Bader Ginsberg passes away at 87" Now an empty seat in the Supreme Court is one more thing to be contended for in this election.
  20. SaintCody777

    To Cease or to Continue, that is the Question

    1 Corinthians 13 and 14, which are used for Cessationalits were mostly for Paul rebuking the Corinthians that just because they can speak in tongues that they are holier than thou art. For instance, the Apostolic/Oneness Pentecostals, who believe that if you're saved you will speak in tongues...