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  1. S

    Pre-Trib Only The Rapture and Jewish Weddings

    No the bride is Israel & not other peoples, not even modern day Christians. Paul clearly states we are the body of Christ. It would be silly for Christ to marry His own body. In Rev 21:9 the lamb is called the bride as well as the wife. That is because the bride was already the wife at one...
  2. S

    Pre-Trib Only The Rapture and Jewish Weddings

    Well you could always watch the video but here are a couple of verses From Paul about the church 1Co 12:27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. Eph 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: As for Israel /...
  3. S

    Pre-Trib Only The Rapture and Jewish Weddings

    The Church is the body of Christ, Israel (or Jerusalem) is the bride of Christ
  4. S

    The sun was struck dumb and did not set for about a whole day

    Its taking a long time for you to understand the bible it would seem, a very long time
  5. S

    The sun was struck dumb and did not set for about a whole day

    If God writes every page then we are robots with no free will & again this has nothing to do with God performing miracle and more specifically how He performs them. You are going of on a tangent plus have odd ideas.
  6. S

    The sun was struck dumb and did not set for about a whole day

    This has nothing to do with God performing miracle and more specifically how He performs them
  7. S

    The sun was struck dumb and did not set for about a whole day

    The laws of nature are just equations that describe how nature behaves as we have observed to date. No court handed them down.
  8. S

    The sun was struck dumb and did not set for about a whole day

    I am trying to use plain language so you understand. The 'laws' (for want of a better term) as instituted by God over His creation are there so that creation can function without Him directly doing everything. However God has plenty of ways that He can interact with His creation & can bypass...
  9. S

    The sun was struck dumb and did not set for about a whole day

    Well its not my definition but the definition as used by the world: but sure, you go ahead and substitute your own definitions for words because you're special
  10. S

    The sun was struck dumb and did not set for about a whole day

    A miracle is by definition a rare event not explicable by natural laws. Look it up yourself. Why do you think God is limited to working with just the natural laws?? God has no limits, to be clear, He can't make 2 + 2 = 5 as thats a logical inconsistency but He can manipulate matter & energy...
  11. S

    The sun was struck dumb and did not set for about a whole day

    They do so by suspending the laws of nature so that God can take the needed corrective action to make things happen the way He wants
  12. S

    The sun was struck dumb and did not set for about a whole day

    Where do you get the idea that God is subject to the laws of nature? He is sovereign to them all & created them all and can alter them if He wants to. These laws have nothing to do with morals which is what 'lawless' refers to in 'people are lawless'
  13. S

    The sun was struck dumb and did not set for about a whole day

    And if you need to adjust the account to accommodate your belief that the earth is flat and sits under a dome and that its the sun that normally moves, which is contrary to everything 21st century science says then you go right ahead but prepare to have egg on your face when you die & learn the...
  14. S

    The sun was struck dumb and did not set for about a whole day

    It is the inspired word, inspired being the operative text, not the transcription or dictated word of God. It is full of passages that describe a scene, nothing wrong with that, but its described from the point of view of the observer. Why are the 4 gospels different on some points, points...
  15. S

    The sun was struck dumb and did not set for about a whole day

    Look, the point is God is not subject to the laws He creates for the natural or created world. He is sovereign to them & can amend, override or suspend them whenever & however He sees fit. He even says He is going to do that when the current heavens & earth are done away with & replaced by...
  16. S

    The sun was struck dumb and did not set for about a whole day

    You are like the Pharisees that criticized Jesus for healing on the Sabbath!, but as He said to them, He is Lord of the sabbath so can override it whenever He chooses. So it is with the natural laws, they are implemented by God & He is Lord over them too & as such has complete control & freedom...
  17. S

    The sun was struck dumb and did not set for about a whole day

    God can override the natural laws, just like Jesus can instantaneously create matter (multiplying fish & loaves, or remove the energy out of a system (calm the seas) so too God can in a microsecond suspend, alter or otherwise manipulate natural laws to achieve the effect of the Earth stopping...
  18. S

    The sun was struck dumb and did not set for about a whole day

    God didn't write that though did He?! That was written by the author of the book of Joshua, a man who was on Earth and saw things from the perspective of someone on Earth, recounting the events they saw, its not a scientific piece of text. From the perspective of anyone on Earth the earth...
  19. S

    The sun was struck dumb and did not set for about a whole day

    He didn't stop the sun He stopped the Earth rotating & possibly orbiting, same result.
  20. S

    The sun was struck dumb and did not set for about a whole day

    Yet its okay for you to assume things about the text ! The text DOES NOT say 'God stopped the sun' That is YOUR interpretation based on your assumptions.