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  1. 4defaith2017

    Marrying a non Christian girl / Corinthians discussion (help!!!)

    since you haven't written that there was no conviction about 'being sexual' (in the first paragraph). maybe you weren't a true blue believer in the first place. Gen. 34 verse one, Shechem and Dinah. once Shechem had violated Dinah. he had wanted to cling to her. Since you have sexual relations...
  2. 4defaith2017

    my left knee be set free please, thank you

    05-13-24, hello, the codescan had kicked out one or two. now, there might be a final collapsed silver-cord soul there. In June 2023, it was a demon. so I humbly ask for more prayer support for my left knee to be 'set free' please. thank you.
  3. 4defaith2017

    continual prayer support please

    05-13-24, note: i've started a new prayer request. so I would consider this thread 'closed'.
  4. 4defaith2017

    my left knee be set free please, thank you

    03-28-24, hello, in your private devotional time. please include nick's left knee joint to be 'set free'. thank you.
  5. 4defaith2017

    trying to stay whole here

    03/07/24, hello, my knee is near to being set free. if ye have private prayer devotion time. please pray that 'the lord Jesus' would allow the thing in my left knee to shrink in size. you see, I think, it is a human collapsed soul and nothing more. Thank you.
  6. 4defaith2017

    trying to stay whole here

    03-07-24, hi, it seems, here at the Mpls MN main (downtown) library, I become the 'topic' but my name is not reference at all. I can hear it so it isn't in a different state of awareness. mostly among negroes and the library staff. This isn't a joke either. I'm very serious.
  7. 4defaith2017

    continual prayer support please

    03-04-24 at 12:43 P.M.C.T. Mpls, MN. Hello, Please include in your private prayer time, that my left knee joint would be set free. (note: I think, for the first time, a new age human collapsed soul is in my left knee joint. it seems like it's hold has somewhat diminished as time passes by). now...
  8. 4defaith2017

    trying to stay whole here

    02-29-24 at 3:54p.m.c.t., hello from Mpls, MN. I was in error. my left knee joint is not set free. It is not demonic, but a collapsed human soul. Please include me & my problem in your daily prayer devotion time. thank you.
  9. 4defaith2017

    trying to stay whole here

    02-21-24, hi, part two, here are the 03 png's of what I'm going through here currently. thanks! b4n.
  10. 4defaith2017

    trying to stay whole here

    02-21-24 at 4:13p.m.c.t., USA, hello, earlier this afternoon, I had taken a shower. while I was drying off. something had left my left knee. It was through my mind's eye that I had seen a collapsed soul leave. As I write this. I don't know if my left knee joint is fully free. Also, a partial...
  11. 4defaith2017

    trying to stay whole here

    02/05/2024, update, hello, my left knee no longer has a demon in it. yet, I now believe that a collapsed human soul is there and it makes my lower left leg swell up. so now I use a crutch to help me move around. please include 'freedom for my left knee joint'. thank you. note: the jpg is what I...
  12. 4defaith2017

    trying to stay whole here

    at Lukaris, thank you.
  13. 4defaith2017

    trying to stay whole here

    01-23-2024, Update: hello, good news, my left knee joint has been set free from a demon. but, the bad news is, a collapsed human soul may have taken its place and causing my lower left leg to swell if I use it. I have to use a crutch from now on. In your private, prayer time. would you please...
  14. 4defaith2017

    trying to stay whole here

    12 30 23, happy new years to all. please pray that my left knee may be set free and restored whole. the situation for it has improved some. but, there's still a way to go. thank you.
  15. 4defaith2017

    continual prayer support please

    11 04 23, hello, I'm so sorry for the lateness. A lot of occult activity has been going on in my life here. Since June 2nd, my left knee was jammed by a demon. now, it appears that it might still be there. but, it seems more like a collapsed soul instead. please included 'marred' in your...
  16. 4defaith2017

    prayer for left inner ear relief

    06-28-2023, hello, there is no relief for my left inner ear. Plus, my left knee joint is jammed by a demon. Please pray that my left knee joint would be set free. Nothing else matters! if & when my left knee is set free. I will come back here & post it. thank you.
  17. 4defaith2017

    prayer for left inner ear relief

    please pray that my left inner ear buzzing would stop for good. it is affecting my left ear hearing. thank you.
  18. 4defaith2017

    continual prayer support please

    12-28-21, hi, I'm still alive here. there on youtube search engine, i had typed in 'silver cord'. i only recall seeing at least 01 video on the subject of 'silver cord'. please continue to pray on my behalf for more mercy. i did find a book on intercessory prayer. I will find more info on this...
  19. 4defaith2017

    continual prayer support please

    09/13/2021 at 10:18AMC.T. Mpls, MN. Eph. 5:11-nkjb. this a.m., no negative comments from the non-astral plane realm. i am now 'at war' with the astral plane. there are collapsed silver cord souls who are trying to tie themselves to me. they not stop at all. I not desire to end my life. I do have...
  20. 4defaith2017

    continual prayer support please

    update on 08-10-21, hi, i am still alive. on the spiritual level, it has grown worse for me here in mpls, mn. Under Eph.5v11,nkjv, the poor who are new agers are losing their mind and soul and can't be restored. this makes this society very dangerous now. I need your prayer support only. I am...