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  1. Dave G.

    Jesus fulfilled the law and prophets what does it mean?

    This is quoted from a portion at The Gospel Coalition: If Paul and Jesus agree, why does the apostle use the phrase “my gospel”? It’s worth observing that he only adds the modifier in “my/our” six of the 60 times he used the term “gospel.” He highlights how his gospel includes a judgment...
  2. Dave G.

    Jesus fulfilled the law and prophets what does it mean?

    Paul states to not follow any other Gospel but what they taught. He warns this to several churches, the most famous perhaps, the Galatians. Why, for wanting to truncate the Gospel by including law ritual ! Well that Gospel that Paul preached is the same Gospel Jesus taught. It's no secret...
  3. Dave G.

    Is same sex attraction just a temptation, or is it a sin like homosexuality?

    Attraction: what about it ? I know a pleasing design and well built bridge. If my inclination is to jump off a bridge or to blow one up, I need to take that thought captive. Bridges are everywhere. Women are everywhere and I know the look of the best of them but choose to look at the heart, the...
  4. Dave G.

    I feel like an imposter as a Christian

    And He comes up with some real surprises sometimes.
  5. Dave G.

    I feel like an imposter as a Christian

    My suggestion is to read, read and then re- read, John the first chapter, understanding that the Word there is Jesus Christ. Let it really sink in, His authority, His power. Start there and understand that He is God and submit yourself to Him. Without understanding His authority and just who He...
  6. Dave G.

    Jesus fulfilled the law and prophets what does it mean?

    Our own fulfillment of the law is in Jesus Christ. We can't keep the law and the law in itself never saved anyone. Thus Jesus, who could fulfill the law. Then He gave us two commands in Matthew 22 that He stated keeps the law. And we can't even every second of every day, keep those two ! No, we...
  7. Dave G.

    Need Deliverance from Witchcraft people

    Effective prayer in this sort of thing, I've found to be not praying just against the witchcraft but the entity behind, that drives it. Surely a demon that needs to be targeted. So I pray against that driving force, the demon , in Jesus name and by His blood. Also reiterating at that time, us or...
  8. Dave G.

    Can a genuine, blood-bought, regenerated believer forfeit their salvation?

    Lamentations 3:22-23 English Standard Version 22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;[a] his mercies never come to an end; 23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 1 John 1:8-10 New International Version 8 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves...
  9. Dave G.

    Do Baptist believe they can hear God today immediately, or only through scripture?

    Typical of Baptist sermons, it's always on point with scripture and applied to the believer today. That is a very powerful and directly pointed sermon, dead on ! If anyone in this thread has not listened to it, you should. Then be honest.
  10. Dave G.

    One-world government

    Let me ask something. As a Christian, what's you ministry ? IE calling ? May I suggest, answer that to yourself ( we don't need to know, you do) and then get doing it. We are here for the Lord's purposes, not our own, though sometimes ours fits the program so to speak. Our rewards wait in...
  11. Dave G.

    One-world government

    Creation indeed can bring us closer to God, I experience it regularly. Walks in the woods or even in the yard in early morning, or lake side, oil painting scenics. 5 bird feeders in the yard, and presently awaiting the return of the hummingbirds any week here. Add that to church, God has His...
  12. Dave G.

    I’m struggling

    I preach from bullet points and cross reference scriptures to the main theme, in my own from the heart.. I start by reading the main theme scripture. I announce the reference scriptures to be used that day. I use quotes from my reference or study bibles, also from certain commentaries. I can not...
  13. Dave G.

    Women pastors

    I've been affiliated with several non denoms for years and non of those ordained women. I do know of some that have but I'm not a part of those. The main one never will. A few denominations do though. I think Episcopal may have been among the first to do so. I'm in a Baptist church now and they...
  14. Dave G.

    Why are you a Baptist?

    Who Markie was replying to was me and my post on the fruit of the Spirit/ what we call the changed man ( or woman of course). Mourningdove, the evidence is in our new nature.Sometimes it's just we don't do or desire the sinful past things we might have done. Or a willingness to pray.. Etc. And...
  15. Dave G.

    Pleasure in marriage

    Oh, sorry about that ! I Usually look at what forum I'm posting to but ad.ittedly did not do that. Had I realized it was the Orthodox forum I wouldn't even have replied. Again, sorry about that.
  16. Dave G.

    I absolutely cant stand reading the bible

    A big part of salvation is faith, then by God's grace we are saved. We need faith to believe the Gospel and we need to have heard the Gospel. True you don't have to read it to be saved but you do have to hear it. So we come down to this : "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God"...
  17. Dave G.

    Pleasure in marriage

    God didn't just create procreation between man and woman but heightened physical pleasure to a bond you can feel and see into the eyes of one another, complete with orgasmic energy being released. He could have made procreation any number of ways but chose this, which is pure pleasure with God...
  18. Dave G.

    A strange experience after church at a supermarket.

    I don't understand why you guys find this so strange, we should all be witnessing in one way or another.
  19. Dave G.

    A strange experience after church at a supermarket.

    That woman is walking with the Spirit well alive in her. This is not uncommon when you get outside of denominations or even into ones who lean on the power of the Holy Spirit. You learn to see spiritually and act differently. Or, have you thought of the possibility that you encountered an angel...
  20. Dave G.

    What has Jesus done for you?

    Correct, that's what I did early this morning, soon as I saw he was persisting. That only makes 3 people in my time at CF that I felt the need to hit ignore.