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  1. Swordofthe Spirit

    Paul being "disqualified"

    Not confusing at all. Paul wasn't talking about losing his salvation, but of being disqualified from ministry if he didn't remain faithful.
  2. Swordofthe Spirit

    The Catholic View of Creation

    Born again Christians believes there are no myths or fables in the Holy Scriptures. Adam and Eve were very real. When we look at the NT, Adam is mentioned several times. Jesus Himself quoted Genesis 1:26. Maybe not all, but some Catholics claim much of the Creation story is a myth. They are wrong.
  3. Swordofthe Spirit

    The Catholic View of Creation

    God does not deal with myths. Peter wrote that they had not followed cunningly devised fables and Jesus even quoted from Gen. 1:27, so he supported the Creation story. There are Jews who claim that Adam and Eve and the Creation is a myth that the Jews invented to try and explain how sin entered...