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  1. Worthyvessel

    Major contradiction: John 2 versus Matthew 4

    Yes to different audiences and purposes. A hard no to different theologies. If that were true, what could we possibly base our beliefs on? It is not impossible to make the gospels reconcile perfectly. I have done it myself through research on several portions that troubled me.
  2. Worthyvessel

    Major contradiction: John 2 versus Matthew 4

    I couldn’t edit my reply so I am reposting it edited, please read this one and not above: I apologize. Seemed like peacemaker hijacked the post and I couldn’t read all that! I see that Biblelinguist answered the OP questions pretty thoroughly also. I think what can confuse people, besides the...
  3. Worthyvessel

    Major contradiction: John 2 versus Matthew 4

    I apologize. Seemed like peacemaker hijacked the post and I couldn’t read all that! Biblelinguist answered some of the OP questions… I think what can confuse people, besides the 2 cleansing of the temple, is the calling of the disciples. He called his first disciples twice: when they first met...
  4. Worthyvessel

    Major contradiction: John 2 versus Matthew 4

    And no one responded to that last post? I’m a little shocked. Also pretty surprised no one directly answered the OP’s question. It’s not that hard. Anyways, there are many seeming contradictions in the Bible. You need to study it deeply to unravel the contradictions. There are people who write...
  5. Worthyvessel

    Going through EXTREME levels of mental trauma right now! I NEED HELP!

    O Mountains, how are you? I’m worried about you. I also wondered at one time if the vaccine could be the mark of the beast. But I am now convinced it is not, nor is a PCR test the MOTB. Perhaps a precursor, but not it. We are forewarned about its existence, God will not allow Christians to...