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  1. J

    Debunking evolution

    Hey, brother in christ barbarian Thats interesting about the wheat But I like to say im sorry I didn't say I got the post from true origins I guess I got carried away. Anyway if you didn't read anything from that post it talks about missing links in abiogenesis (I know abiogenesis is not...
  2. J

    Debunking evolution

    Have they found a full fossil of Australopithecine. Because a skull doesn't prove anything. We can't tell that fossil is an ancestor of anybody. Just because our DNA is similar to their DNA doesn't mean anything because we have similar DNA to wheat. Doesn't mean we came from wheat. Also I want...
  3. J

    Debunking evolution

    Hey barbarian my lovely brother in christ can you tell me which intermediate forms are inbetween ape and man. Dont say lucy, lucy is just a pile of bones crumpled together. The man who was looking for lucy found a bone for her in a cave he then found another bone two miles away and said thats...
  4. J

    Debunking evolution

    Hey thanks for replying and thanks for the advice. I just hope you're actually a nice guy and not being sarcastic. But ethier way I love you and I hope you have a nice day God bless:jam
  5. J

    Debunking evolution

    Lastly how can (atheist) evolutionists tell right or wrong with out the Bible? You said that evolutionists punnet and Morgan said what Hitler believed was false how do they know its false if they have no morals. If they think what Hitler did was wrong they got there morals from the Bible. so...
  6. J

    Debunking evolution

    Ok. Firstly I just wanted to say you missed lots of information out please go back and read that and tell me your thought on it my brother. Heres a simple question. If God made us through evolution why are ALL evolutionists atheists and why do they have hatred towards God you'd have thought our...
  7. J

    Debunking evolution

    Ok brother please read this whole reply im going to put alot in this one. Firstly im going to go through Genesis and show you how it doesn't fit the evolutionary theory at all. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the...
  8. J

    Debunking evolution

    Also you said "God said we came from the earth" it clearly said in the Bible "the Lord formed man out of dust from the ground and breathed in his nostril the breath of life, and the man became a living being" in genesis 2:7 It didn't say God made us evolve in to an ameba from a rock and then...
  9. J

    Debunking evolution

    You say that we don't come from Neandertals but scientific research says otherwise "The Neanderthal genome project published papers in 2010 and 2014 stating that Neanderthals contributed to the DNA of modern humans, including humans outside sub-Saharan Africa, as well as a few populations in...
  10. J

    Debunking evolution

    I accidentally wrote my reply in the quote. So just look in the quote and its there sorry about this
  11. J

    Debunking evolution

    Hi please look at the two replys I sent you. I hope you're doing well I'll be praying for you.
  12. J

    Debunking evolution

    more over there is lots of evidence that the earth is not billions of years old like the pointing robinsons effect: the pointing Robinsons effect is basicly the effect of micrometeoric material in our solar system solar wind and solar radiation blows this micrometeoric material out of our solar...
  13. J

    Debunking evolution

    The barbarian. Hey thanks for replying. First off I didnt mean to offend anyone because you seem quite angry about the post. Any way lets get started. 1.why are you sighing at me Im a Christian looking for help on debunking this absurd theory let me start by saying this I believe in God and God...
  14. J

    Debunking evolution

    Hey brother and sisters in christ I pray you're doing well. I need help in debunking evolution this is the evidence I got against evolution so far. Please tell me what you think much love and god bless: Jam 1. Lack of intermediate species If the creatures today evolved from other kinds of...