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  1. Guide To The Bible

    Study Theology

    Make Bible hub your go to Bible site and use the interlinear Bible there as the most accurate Bible version: Genesis 1:1 Interlinear: In the beginning of God's preparing the heavens and the earth -- Get a chronological Bible: One Year Chronological Bible-NIV by Tyndale House Publishers...
  2. Guide To The Bible

    God's Calendar explained from scripture

    Hi LGW You have not understood my post.
  3. Guide To The Bible

    Saturday is the FIRST day of the week NOT the SEVENTH!

    Hi LGW Did you read the post? Or you have not understood what I have posted.
  4. Guide To The Bible

    Is the Sabbath Commandment proof that the TCs are not for Christians?

    Saturday is actually the FIRST day of the week NOT the SEVENTH:
  5. Guide To The Bible

    Is the Sabbath Commandment proof that the TCs are not for Christians?

    Actually Sabbath mean 'to rest'. Saturday comes from the Greco-Roman name for the deity Cronus Saturn. Saturday is actually the FIRST day of the week NOT the SEVENTH:
  6. Guide To The Bible

    God's Calendar explained from scripture

    In the Bible we often read about a calendar that the Hebrews had been using from when Moses left Egypt and even going back further to the flood over two thousands years before Jesus was born, for example we read in Exodus: Exodus 12:1-2 1 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, 2 This month...
  7. Guide To The Bible

    Saturday is the FIRST day of the week NOT the SEVENTH!

    Below is a link to a picture of a statue of the Gallo-Roman goddess of protection Tutela (150-220 AD) on display at the British Museum. She is seen as supporting the 7-days of the planetary week; Saturn; the eldest of the gods, Sol (sun), Luna (moon), Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. (Along...
  8. Guide To The Bible

    Possibility of Aliens even with Christian Theology

    “The alien agenda is the complete take over of this planet, the killing off of five sixths, to seven eighths of the worlds population by the year 2029. The US military have known about this for forty five years, they’ve told no one.” - Philip Schneider said this in 1995 and was killed months later.
  9. Guide To The Bible

    Is the Sabbath Commandment proof that the TCs are not for Christians?

    Hang on didn't Jesus die on the cross because no one could keep the law? That's right, no one can keep the law. So what commandments was Jesus referring to above? Well for there is this one for a start: John 6:29 Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent."...
  10. Guide To The Bible

    Is the Sabbath Commandment proof that the TCs are not for Christians?

    I use a ruler: Jesus You don't need to concern yourself with measuring how well you do because Jesus will do that for you. We can just concentrate on doing our best in the mean time.
  11. Guide To The Bible

    Is the Sabbath Commandment proof that the TCs are not for Christians?

    Jesus kept the Sabbath holy just as he kept all of the 10 commandments. Although Christians are under grace rather than the law it is still our guide as to how to live and as such we are expected to try our best to keep the commandments as Paul also states: 1 Corinthians 9:21 To those not...
  12. Guide To The Bible

    Possibility of Aliens even with Christian Theology

    I was never sure about the alien question until I realised that it is all demonic, this film is a good introduction on the subject:
  13. Guide To The Bible

    CF Treasure Hunt

    No denomination, this is just a treasure hunt for fun. Answer all the questions correctly and you will receive the treasure. :)
  14. Guide To The Bible

    CF Treasure Hunt

    Incorrect. Bad luck please try again.
  15. Guide To The Bible

    CF Treasure Hunt

    Answer the following questions correctly and you will receive a surprise prize. Q1: In Exodus 16 on what 6 days in the second month did God say the Manna would be first collected: Exodus 16 Manna and Quail 1The whole Israelite community set out from Elim and came to the Desert of Sin, which...
  16. Guide To The Bible

    Just finally left the LDS church

    Yes! Prayer is pretty much all you and we can do for them. It is God who draws us to Him: John 6:44 "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day." My advise for what it's worth is to show them love in all your responses to them. Be...
  17. Guide To The Bible

    No English Version of the Bible Is Reliable

    You have me mixed up with someone else. I haven't posted any video.
  18. Guide To The Bible

    No English Version of the Bible Is Reliable

    What ever you mean by that, you're wrong.