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  1. P

    Prayer for dealing with my family

    I am a university student. I was supposed to graduate but I have gotten my result and I have to stay back for another half-year. What I afraid of was disappointing my parent again. Last few years I have made some serious mistake again and again. So this time I afraid of letting them know. I...
  2. P

    A few prayers request

    Just having a few issues I been struggling with I hope some of you can help me pray about it. I have a problem with getting dizzy with cause me to close to fainting. I not sure what the reason for it even the doctor can't tell but this has grown a bit more frequent. In the past it just one or...
  3. P

    Prayer for my unbelief in Jesus

    Hi, please pray for my unbelief. I had heard about Jesus for quite a long time but did not choose to believe in him. I previously had created a post here regarding the unforgivable sin, whatever I had committed it. I think that the reason why I create this post here. Still, I ask for you to...
  4. P

    Have i committed the unforgivable sin?

    I had read in the Bible which mentions a sin which is unforgivable. It was found in Mark 3:28–29, Matthew 12:31-32. Which is also called blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. I had search and read around, and found it is a consistent and willful rejection of the Spirit’s Testimony about Jesus...
  5. P

    prayer for the healing of my eyes

    I not sure if this is the right place for this issue. I always have a lazy eye problem since was a kid. My doctor had recommended a surgery for my left eye. After the surgery, I was told that I will be seeing a double vision for a few day. But the problem never goes away. Even to these days...
  6. P

    Prayer for my job situation

    Thank you all for your prayer. As of now, I am to be reported to but not for the case mention above. They did not pursue the matter. they decided to replace the faulty property one with a new one and decided to forget about the situation. But as soon as the case is over, the new equipment with...
  7. P

    Prayer for my job situation

    I know this may be trivial compared to other request but the situation I face had been troubling for me. I would like to ask for a few prayer if that's alright. This happened at my job. I found out that one of our very important office property under my care was not functioning properly. After...
  8. P

    Prayer request

    thank you all for your prayer. The situation in my workplace is improving. There is still a long way to go, I still have much to learn and change, but things seems to be better now.
  9. P

    Prayer request

    I am going through a difficult time at my work. Not sure how to resolve it. I not sure what to do. I keep doing the wrong thing again and again and made a terrible mistake at work. Thing at work are not getting better. Now i going to be charged by my supervisor. I think only god can help me now...
  10. P

    The unforgivable sin

    I read about this sin in the bible which cannot be forgiven. The bible called it blasphemy against the holy spirit. I heard people say if you are worried about it mean you haven't committed it. but I don't feel much conviction of sin or godly sorrow. Does it mean I had already committed it?