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  1. Pavel Mosko

    Thunder Lauriston lecture on "Why Sunday worship cannot be the Mark of the Beast"

    And I'm sure my Evangelist friend will cover them eventually and I will record them in real times as I watch and takes notes here and there. As for myself, I believe the SDA fundamentally misunderstands church history. The only ancient group on record that comes close to have their kind of...
  2. Pavel Mosko

    Thunder Lauriston lecture on "Why Sunday worship cannot be the Mark of the Beast"

    Opening Statement for Thunder Lauriston Sunday Worship cannot be the Mark of the Beast This is based on the notion in SDA theology that "Sunday worship is primarily sinful. It is the wrong day to worship God on. Sunday is pagan. It is the day that has been basically handed over to the Roman...
  3. Pavel Mosko

    Thunder Lauriston lecture on "Why Sunday worship cannot be the Mark of the Beast"

    Not a problem because I will be taking notes and posting them in the entries. Although I think I may switch videos and cover the previous video I listened to this morning where he covers Sunday worship and how it can't be "the mark of the Beast".
  4. Pavel Mosko

    Thunder Lauriston lecture on "Why Sunday worship cannot be the Mark of the Beast"

    I got my own Apologetics for this that I think is quite good covering early types in Judaism (8th day feast, offerings and rituals, as well as Pentecost) , that are present in Christianity and the fact we know the Church worshipped on Sunday and it's meaning in light of the Resurrection...
  5. Pavel Mosko

    Putting Jesus In His Place

    Well I had some issues with my Kindle reader but finally got it to work. I was led to believe there were some extensive tables in the back of the book that I was planning on copying and pasting here as a pretty efficient way of using the fair use allowance. But I did not see the summary of...
  6. Pavel Mosko

    Is The Eternal Sonship of Jesus Christ Biblical?

    The doctrine is Biblical in the sense of being "orthodox" because the other option is Arianism that is heretical.
  7. Pavel Mosko

    Putting Jesus In His Place

    I will be covering the book with the above title, because it probably is the best case for the Deity of Jesus Christ that you can get. Here is brief description I got from a blog. The authors are pedagogically and apologetically minded for they have structured the content in five categories...
  8. Pavel Mosko

    Christianity and Sabbath and Law

    Yes, I agree. 2 Corinthians 6:14 Verse Concepts Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? 1 John 3:4 Verse Concepts Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is...
  9. Pavel Mosko

    Christianity and Sabbath and Law

    This article also ends up dealing with a lot of problems in the faith vs works area of things from my perspective (Eastern Christian).
  10. Pavel Mosko

    Christianity and Sabbath and Law

    Yeah I get that based on listening to some Apologetics against certain law happy groups. Technically speaking I'm a synergist like an Arminian, but compared to some groups, who seem to be unoffical Pelagian (you are saved from your works). I am having to speak out like a classical Reformation...
  11. Pavel Mosko

    Christianity and Sabbath and Law

    Nice! Back in the early 90s as a nondenominational Protestant Charismatic I learned a useful paradigm model thing from an unlikely source, aka Trinity Broadcasting Network a network that lots of questionable stuff on it. But that hour, I happened to be watching Rick Godwin, former Southern...
  12. Pavel Mosko

    Christianity and Sabbath and Law

    The Jewish Roots of Christian Liturgy links First-century Christian synagogue liturgy - S I L O U A N
  13. Pavel Mosko

    Christianity and Sabbath and Law

    I'm looking to do more posting on this board, and I found this point in the terms of service for the board very interesting. Although the Law of God is pleasing to a believer it is not a necessary requirement for salvation. (Psalms 119:174; Galatians 3:10, Galatians 5:18) This I find...
  14. Pavel Mosko

    Biblical Evidence for Hiram Edson's Cornfield Vision?

    A little off topic, but it has been an area of concern for me in the charismatic movement when people get really into their visions, talking about them at length for a long-time during sermons, and the vision itself is the entire message, rather than just something that illustrates some Biblical...
  15. Pavel Mosko

    Biblical Evidence for Hiram Edson's Cornfield Vision?

    Inspiration for this thread comes from a video I watched this week incidentally.
  16. Pavel Mosko

    Sabbath and Sunday in early Christian Theology (under construction)

    I can verify this as Catholic. I am not Catholic etc. but you got to understand the early spirituality of Christendom was common. The Latin's got a saying that we Orthodox use and agree with. Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi. The Rule of Prayer is the rule of Faith. All the ancient Churches...
  17. Pavel Mosko

    Sabbath and Sunday in early Christian Theology (under construction)

    Yes, one of the points I have tried to make, that I originally learned from an EO website 20-25 years ago, the ancient Christians honored the Sabbath as a lesser holiday. The Sabbath is still revered, it just isn't as great as Sunday the day of our salvation. It is seen as a preparatory day...
  18. Pavel Mosko

    Sabbath and Sunday in early Christian Theology (under construction)

    Yes this is a point I have been wanting to preach on. Here is a snippet of a Coptic Orthodox essay on the history of the Coptic Church. One of the unique aspects of the Coptic Church was it's calendar that came about around the time of the persecution of Diocletian, which is somewhere around...
  19. Pavel Mosko

    Sabbath and Sunday in early Christian Theology (under construction)

    When you can, please check out my new thread... Thanks :)
  20. Pavel Mosko

    Biblical Evidence for Hiram Edson's Cornfield Vision?

    I think I agree on the negative side of things because that is what the Bible says in Deuteronomy with DEUTERONOMY 18:22 KJ21 when a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken...