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  1. eyeamnicegirl

    Skinny Dipping

    Oh my. Looks like only one other person (TAMUmpower) got the idea of what was happening there. I made a similar suggestion once when I was a teenager (hot tub instead of lake), and yes, our friendship was innocent, but I was ready for it not to be. You didn't take the bait, and that's fine...
  2. eyeamnicegirl

    I have a question and need insight on something...

    I say cut your losses, and move on. He keeps talking about other women, and even the ex-wife? (And he's probably on his best behavior at this point in the relationship.)
  3. eyeamnicegirl

    Not sure where to go from here, LD guy friend of 3 years and serious feelings for him.

    OK. Time for some tough love (via a stern response). If you want to meet this guy, get off your butt and make it happen; you will get your questions answered. Three years is way too long for you be in a never-met-in-person "relationship," and frankly, it's sort of pathetic. Take a week off of...
  4. eyeamnicegirl

    Why do guys invite girls over to their home???

    Guys invite girls over because they like the girls who are invited. People seem all worked up over the possibility that sexual intercourse might happen if the girl goes to the guy's house. Sure, it's a possibility, yet certainly not a guaranteed thing. I will say that it's not necessary to go...
  5. eyeamnicegirl

    Trump calls New York Times report that he avoid paying taxes 'totally made up'

    OK. Think about it. Who pays exactly $750 in income taxes? Two years in a row? The probability of that is about as close to zero as you can get.
  6. eyeamnicegirl

    Sexual Sin with My Boyfriend

    I see from your profile that you are 28 years old??? Why not just get married, and enjoy your desire in a holy and proper way? It is sexual attraction that distinguishes between "just friends" and romantic love. If you wait until you can afford to get married, you will never get married...
  7. eyeamnicegirl

    Ocasio-Cortez not practicing what she is preaching!

    Nah. Let them send me a message. I will be OK. Thanks for the heads up though.
  8. eyeamnicegirl

    Ocasio-Cortez not practicing what she is preaching!

    No dear. Like Venezuela and Mexico. Speaking of Switzerland, it has a very decentralized government, with most of the power -- including taxation and government control -- left to its 23 cantons (states).
  9. eyeamnicegirl

    Ocasio-Cortez not practicing what she is preaching!

    And you forgot the big one -- espousing hard-core socialism (vs. our current soft-core socialism). She is a fun personality, which is why she got elected; and you noted some things about that personality . . . yet, you omitted the only thing about her that really matters to our nation, her...
  10. eyeamnicegirl

    Ocasio-Cortez not practicing what she is preaching!

    Deleted due to duplicate post (see below).
  11. eyeamnicegirl

    Question for you wall supporters...

    80% -- not all illegal immigration comes across the Mexican border (some come on ships from China, others come legally at first, then overstay their visas, etc.). A small percentage of those crossing the southern border will seek out another way. But factually, most of the illegals came here...
  12. eyeamnicegirl

    Are virgins who were raped still virgins?

    I chose the last answer. When we speak of a woman's virginity, we are speaking of whether or not a penis has been inside a her vagina. By definition, a rape victim is no longer a virgin. It would be a horrific way to lose one's virginity, but facts are facts. (I was raped once, but had...
  13. eyeamnicegirl

    Sex outside of wedlock

    I made my comment in reference to the article, which was about the earthly consequences that might happen (risk) as a result of having sex. I suppose your one sentence about risk not being a good determinate of sin is a reasonable statement, in and of itself. It just isn't a contextual...
  14. eyeamnicegirl

    Sex outside of wedlock

    What you say is mostly true. Technically, you can get a STD from just one encounter, and don't even have to "go all the way" to get some diseases (herpes, for example). But reality is that to transmit a disease, the person you are sinning with has to be infected in order to pass it on to...
  15. eyeamnicegirl

    Sex outside of wedlock

    I'm sure the cost will come down. I suppose if I had a disease like Hep C, I would be happy to pay for a cure. P.S. Hep C is comparatively uncommon, and is on the order of HIV -- not easily transmitted via normal vaginal intercourse. The lion's share of Hep C is tied to IV drug use, with...
  16. eyeamnicegirl

    Sex outside of wedlock

    Congratulations on taking my statement out of context.
  17. eyeamnicegirl

    Sex outside of wedlock

    Deleted duplicate response.
  18. eyeamnicegirl

    Sex outside of wedlock

    Well, there are obvious risks associated with recreational sex, pregnancy being one of them.
  19. eyeamnicegirl

    Sex before marriage - can it be healed?

    Well, you can't unring a bell. Once your virginity is "lost," it is lost. But beyond that obvious point, yes, you can heal. Will take about a year of genuine celibacy (including tne porn) and most of your issues will have healed to the point thar you are ready to get involved in a new...
  20. eyeamnicegirl

    Sex outside of wedlock

    I don't think it the issue is unique to people in non-denominational churches. Pop culture has been pushing sex for a long time, and people are delaying marriage, too. Net result is pre-marital sex is the norm these days. It doesn't help matters when teens and young adults see mom and dad...