Search results

  1. Kevin__Huang

    Favorite Animes

    Shingeki no Kyojin, Clannad, Beelzebub, Tokyo Ghoul, fullmetal alchemist, and many more
  2. Kevin__Huang

    Is Watching Naruto a Sin? Can Christians Watch Naruto?

    Anime is created for entertainment. It's not a sin to watch it except it has some kind of adult content in it...
  3. Kevin__Huang

    Greeting from Indonesia

    Okey then [emoji16]
  4. Kevin__Huang

    Greeting from Indonesia

    God bless you Saya juga orang Indonesia [emoji16]
  5. Kevin__Huang

    Dating a girl who is not on the same faith

    I just wanna ask, is it okay to date a girl who is not on the same fate? Did the bible opposed it? (and sorry for my broken English. 'cause it's not my native language)
  6. Kevin__Huang

    Hello there

    Hi My name is Kevin. Actually I have been in this forum about 3 months ago. I'm joining because I wanna build stronger faith to God. May God bless you all [emoji4]