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  1. P

    Humility: Micah's Message for Today (Spurgeon)

    Nice - thank you for the story share; I have never met an armadillo before - didn't realize they were so pesty. I thought they just rolled themselves into little boulders and tried to spy on bowling leagues.
  2. P

    Humility: Micah's Message for Today (Spurgeon)

    Didn't read the whole post, but always loved this verse. Sounds easy at first, but see if you can guess the 3 things that I am not good at doing at all apart from Christ ;)
  3. P

    Conviction Ensures Trump Victory

    And Trump and his supporters gracefully accept those results, just like they did last time, only with much, much more fervor. Last time was just a practice run at acceptance and humility, I'm sure they'll get it much better this time. double-down, double-down, double-down... the more you do it...
  4. P

    Conviction Ensures Trump Victory

    Trump ensures Trump victory; he'll claim victory regardless of election results. You might get your wish.
  5. P

    Why does life seem so black and white if it's spiritual?

    What would happen if you asked him how to achieve "thy" goals today, just for today, day after day? Move your life from a perspective of ownership to servant for a time, from graduate of your own head to student in his own Heart - it seems like you have reached the correct conclusion that...
  6. P

    Apparently, Yellowstone isn't the one we should be worried about

    Agreed - we could get another 536AD, it's not outside the realm of possibility and we are possibly a bit overdue.
  7. P

    Apparently, Yellowstone isn't the one we should be worried about

    I see a lot of news articles from 2023, and this caught my attention recently (I didn't even know about this one) Has some global impact potential, and I certainly wouldn't want...
  8. P

    Why Everyone Needs An AR-15

    I finally did get around to watching the vid; it's a good vid and was educational, worth my time. Got my first rain barrel setup, but, being a large trashcan, it is made of dangerous looking black plastic. I am concerned that the government might think it could be used as a bump stock, and...
  9. P

    Thank God for conspiracy theorists.

    No. Christ said fear God and not the government (or anyone else) 28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Also other points like "I am the Way, the Truth, the Light" And then you have...
  10. P

    How do you explain the existence of evil, despite God being almighty, and all knowing, and perfect love?

    How do you explain the dark when you turn the light off? Or, if I turned my back on the light, it would get darker and darker the more I walked away. There would still always be some light, no matter how far I got, but the further I got, there would be less and less of it. It's a bit like that...
  11. P

    Why Everyone Needs An AR-15

    NICE! This guy, maybe, for hydrogen storage. I'm not sure how long it "hangs onto" it though and haven't tried this. He's brilliant though. Understood. I'll def check out the egg vid, getting along without reliable refrigeration is definitely a concern and not something I would expect to...
  12. P

    Why Everyone Needs An AR-15

    Yep I was thinking about that when you were saying "electric drill for threshing, and an electric fan for winnowing. I need to build a thresher that runs on pedal power." There's an economy to calories - if I expend 600 calories to get 500 calories, I'll lose the game. I'm not sure how big...
  13. P

    Why Everyone Needs An AR-15

    This is another fellow I follow, who has a lot of information which while it might not intended for prepping, could be useful to know. I've made his version #1 of the gassifier successfully, this is a second version. He has several vids on wood gas production...
  14. P

    Why Everyone Needs An AR-15

    Yep; things always work a lot better in my head than the first time I try them lol. That's nice you have farmland and farm/animal experience - you should be way ahead of whatever game gets played if one starts. I figure I'll be as ready as I'm going to be in 6 months, and then I'll see how...
  15. P

    Why Everyone Needs An AR-15

    Check these guys out, while not directly food or defense related they are interesting. I'm building a frame for one of their fresnel lenses in the background of our conversation. Most power generation starts with heat - even nuke reactors, all they are is doing is using the heat generated to...
  16. P

    Why Everyone Needs An AR-15

    Sounds about right in the event of total infra collapse. And that's not outside the realm of possibility. Fortunately, I'm told that bullets are edible. (hunting rifle for actual deer/game hunting would be very useful though; hunters will do well in that situation)
  17. P

    Why Everyone Needs An AR-15

    You are probably right about that. lol and they are probably right about that. I don't foresee myself fighting Chinese troops anytime soon on the east coast, but that doesn't mean the lights will still be on at the end of the year. They probably will be, but they might not be. I have...
  18. P

    Why Everyone Needs An AR-15

    Well now, that would be a hearse of a different color, I agree. Here all this time I had been gearing up for the Mexicans and now there's a switcheroo getting pulled *sigh* How close are they to Maryland? Has California fallen yet?
  19. P

    Why Everyone Needs An AR-15

    The topic, I thought, was "why everyone needs an AR-15" I didn't watch the vid, but at a guess, maybe it is saying "you need an AR-15 to defend against criminals armed with lesser firearms" But, since everyone is everyone (and not just the "right" everyones that we'd like them to be, i.e. our...