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  1. J

    need ideas for youth teaching on fitting in, peer pressure ASAP

    Hi all, I write for a teen magazine every week with a devotional. I need ideas on peer pressure, low self esteem and fitting in. I have to submit tomorrow. Any help? thanks in advance.
  2. J

    Blood Pressure

    so you don't have that anymore?
  3. J

    does anyone take ashwaganda for anxiety?

    I have heard ashwaganda can interfere with some blood pressure medications. Has anyone tried this herb?
  4. J

    Blood Pressure

    that is good progress, how long have you been working on this?
  5. J

    Blood Pressure

    I like sangria!!
  6. J

    Blood Pressure

    You are on the right track! You can google natural remedies too
  7. J

    recently diagnosed with high blood pressure

    Are you taking anything natural? You can google this. I was told I had hypertension today myself and bought some stuff from the vitamin store, with hawthorn, celery, hibiscus stuff like this. Natural remedies help too like lemon water. No side effects
  8. J

    Seed for financial success

    good answer.
  9. J


    I would appreciate prayer for my 20 year daughter who completed her externship for her college. We waited a month before we heard back about the next step; her final exam. Well apparently the school thinks she should retake her externship and she's aced everything except giving shots to horses...
  10. J


    Testimony time again: I found what I thought was an unknown bank deposit and went to check it out. I was told at the bank that I had disputed something in Feb and that the bank was refunding me. I honestly don't remember, but a teaching I heard CD say, "if you get a blessing don't argue with the...
  11. J


    a little praise to God: I had been listening to Creflo Dollar's teaching about items being restored or had been lost. I thought I lost a pair of really nice sunglasses a few months ago. I really searched then. I'd lost 3 other pairs somehow and this time I did not waste a lot of time searching...
  12. J

    having an event to go to, then not going

    if I was volunteering of course this would be no issue
  13. J

    having an event to go to, then not going

    there was no way to call
  14. J

    having an event to go to, then not going

    thanks I'll go back when the leader comes back from a small vacay
  15. J

    having an event to go to, then not going

    have you ever had an event to go to, and then at the last minute you decided not to go? I have and am having such a moment now......................
  16. J

    witnesssing to an adult daughter

    my daughter is now 20. she liked church until she was 12 or so. She went thru a rough period of losing friends, a bully teacher and she always liked school up to that point. Then she was suicidal at 15. High school things picked up and she had friends and she'd always done well in school. Now...
  17. J

    witnesssing to an adult daughter

    how old is your daughter?
  18. J

    witnesssing to an adult daughter

    thanks for that, she will come around!
  19. J

    witnesssing to an adult daughter

    My daughter is in college, and she hasn't gone to church in years, partly b/c I was divided in my beliefs. Now I'm in a ROCKIN church and I would like to invite her. I've been praying for her. Any tips?