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  1. Kenneth Redden

    Does baptism guarantee salvation?

    No, because we are all baptized in our mother's womb, before being "born again," in the world today, the fourth day of the Creation You, are judged according to your works, according tp Revelation 22:14-15, regarding John 13:34 KJV ONLY! So, love well, it is all you will have. Well, that and...
  2. Kenneth Redden

    The Grace of God

    The days in 2Peter 3:8 occur in Revelation 20. The fifth day, once for "the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan," in verse three. Once for those mentioned in Revelation 6:9, 10 & 11 a thousand years as one day. The sixth day, one day as a thousand years, begins in verse seven!
  3. Kenneth Redden

    The Grace of God

    "In few words," "from the beginning," was the Revelation; Amen.
  4. Kenneth Redden

    The Grace of God

    The King James Version Bible was written by the Hand of God, "in few words" with the king of Salem, priest of the most high God, Melchizedek from the beginning in Genesis 14:18. and second day in Psalms 110:4. Melchisedec, the third day in Hebrews, and fourth day "in due time," 1611 England, 411...
  5. Kenneth Redden

    The Grace of God

    The logical format of the Word of the LORD, "in few words." Beginning with the logical format of the Word of God, as demarcated "in few words," with the phrase, "from the beginning," fifteen times in OT KJV text. The first three times before Psalms, is for the beginning first days, with the two...
  6. Kenneth Redden

    The Grace of God

    Of course, on the third day of the Creation, which was, "by water only." You forgot to consider the word, "Thus," in Genesis 2:1, which makes the KJV Bible no later than the third day of the Creation. Aaron112, today is the fourth day of the Creation the day, "he made the stars also," You are...
  7. Kenneth Redden

    The Grace of God

    There is no sin, we cannot even know, "sin," in the King James Version Bible. It does not have anything to do with personal habits, as related in OT KJV text. But rather a logical interpolation of a function of "the heavens," in Genesis 2:1 incompatible with inflation and the Big Bang for all...
  8. Kenneth Redden

    The Grace of God

    Why did Christ Jesus die on the cross? How can Christianity say that you sin?
  9. Kenneth Redden

    Plant life existed before the sun was created

    No, it is your perspective that is throwing you off. Because of the word, "Thus," in Genesis 2:1, the days of the Creation in the KJY Bible are "from the beginning," in which today, the fourth day does not even exist until after 2Peter 3:10 KJV. The logical format of the KJV Bible may be...
  10. Kenneth Redden

    Dark earth?

    "Darkness," in Genesis 1:2 KJV, regarding the days in 2Peter 3:8, "involved an extremely high concentration of energy", "fervent heat," to come forth with the Big Bang from the perspective of the third/fourth day in 2Peter 3:10 KJV, according to, "day," in 2Peter 3:8.
  11. Kenneth Redden

    Today, the fourth day of the Creation.

    4000 years has absolutely nothing to do with it, the fifth day and sixth day, according to the sixth time "thousand years," occurs in Revelation 20:1-7 KJV, according to two times, "thousand years," is written in 2Peter 3:8 KJV. Today is the fourth day of the Creation, the day, "he made the...
  12. Kenneth Redden

    Today, the fourth day of the Creation.

    Have you read the six day demonstration in 2Peter 3:3-8, ending with the fifth day in Revelation 20:3 & 20:4, and sixth day, "one day as a thousand years," with the sixth occurrence of "thousand years" in Revelation 20:7 KJV. It is the dichotomy of the KJV Bible. Actually, the fifth day in...
  13. Kenneth Redden

    Do you trust God or Man when it comes to the creation?

    The King James Version Bible is a book by two authors, the apostle Paul, as explained "in few words" from Paul in Ephesians 3:3-4, and the king of Salem, priest of the most high God, "Melchisedec" the third day in Hebrews 13:22; and as "Melchizedek," "in the beginning" in Genesis 14:18 and...
  14. Kenneth Redden

    Do you trust God or Man when it comes to the creation?

    Both, God; with the Creation in Genesis 1:1 KJV, and man with the Big Bang in 2Peter 3:10 KJV, which is for, "beloved," today; the fourth day of the Creation, in 2Peter 3:8 KJV!
  15. Kenneth Redden

    Today, the fourth day of the Creation.

    See, the KJV Bible is like Christ Jesus coat at his cross, "without seam, woven from the top throughout!" You lose this when you change even "one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Get it? Matthew 5:18 KJV
  16. Kenneth Redden

    Today, the fourth day of the Creation.

    Name some of these "new beginnings," book, chapter and verse numbers. Please, KJV Only! You cannot add anything by using any "private interpretation," found in all the other mis-translations, NIV, NKJV; XYZ, whatever!
  17. Kenneth Redden

    Which came first: the earth or the sun?

    Because it must be created before it can be made! This earth, our world, was created, "in the beginning," Genesis 1:1; the Universe was made with the Big Bang, in 2Peter 3:10 KJV. on the fourth day of the Creation.
  18. Kenneth Redden

    Plant life existed before the sun was created

    Because day 1 is spiritual, of "the heavens," in Genesis 3:1 KJV. Day 4 is physical, after the Big Bang, in 2Peter 3:10 KJV!. You remember the word, "Thus," in Genesis 2:1 KJV don't you?
  19. Kenneth Redden

    Plant life existed before the sun was created

    But this earth we live on did not even exist until the fourth day of Creation, beginning 2Peter 3:10 KJV.
  20. Kenneth Redden

    Plant life existed before the sun was created

    Genesis chapter one is the "interpretation," for the literal telling of the days of the creation from the perspective of the Word of God, "in the beginning." Any effort to make it fit in some kind of historical narrative is "private interpretation," a contrived fabrication, unworthy of the Word...