Search results

  1. Jeremy J

    What are you listening to right now? (24)

    The ringing in my ear
  2. Jeremy J

    Are women inferior to men?

    Politics is yet another things that reveals our imperfections. Politics is decision-making. Unfortunately, when it comes to making decisions, there will be disagreements. We live in a time when disagreements are so strong that they give birth to hatred (maybe it has always been that way). I...
  3. Jeremy J

    Are women inferior to men?

    I do think that this is a hot topic. One of the things that has really stuck out to me is Judges 4. God made Deborah, a woman, leader over Israel.
  4. Jeremy J

    Programming Club

    Katiejean, that's so cool! I am so glad that you joined this site and found us! I have only been programming for a few years, but I love it. Started with VB and C++. I did a semester of assembly programming on a 16-bit machine simulator called LC3. That was really fun. Now, I've been working...
  5. Jeremy J

    Programming Club

    Welcome JohnnyRockets!
  6. Jeremy J

    New member and I am struggling

    Hi John! Just letting you know that I will pray for the two of you. I'm happy that you are joining the forums. I look forward to seeing you around. Praise Jesus!
  7. Jeremy J

    Praying for future spouses

    Father, sometimes it is difficult to know exactly what we should do. We meet a lot of people and it can get very confusing when it comes to pursuing someone. We want what you want! God, we pray that you carry out your plan at a time that you know is appropriate. We continue you to make you the...
  8. Jeremy J

    Sensual Adverts

    Hello PerpetuallyCurious! If you see such an ad, copy the URL by right-clicking on the ad and selecting "copy link address." Post the link in a Contact Us Form so that a staff member can remove the ad. If you need more information, check out the Advertisement on the Forum section in Terms and...
  9. Jeremy J

    Hi everyone!!!!=D

    Hi Mitch! I am glad that you found this site! I wish that I could help you out with the song. Anyway, I look forward to seeing you around!
  10. Jeremy J


    Welcome friend! I am so glad you found this site. It makes me happy to see new people join every day! It truly is a great place for God's children to come together and for truth-seekers to find truth.
  11. Jeremy J

    java tutorial

    The textbook I used was called Java Foundations: Introduction to program design and data structures. It's a really good book for someone who is interested in computer science. However, it might assume the reader is already familiar with structured programming. There are also a ton of online...
  12. Jeremy J

    If you believe.

    Hey, Countryangel. Great question! The answer is simply yes! That's good news huh? There are several examples throughout the Bible that provide an answer to your question. I think the most famous of them is the one from the Gospel of John chapter 3 that Singpeace mentioned. I would like add to...
  13. Jeremy J

    One final question...

    When it comes to judgment, God is not going to review our ups and downs. He is going to check for the blood of the lamb, that is, Jesus Christ. When our sins are cleansed by the sacrifice, God no longer looks at them. In fact, he forgets all about them. “I, even I, am he who blots out your...
  14. Jeremy J


    Thanks for posting. This is really cool! I haven't colored in a while, but I do enjoy it.
  15. Jeremy J

    His Porn Addiction is driving me crazy

    "See to it brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called "Today," so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold...
  16. Jeremy J

    Poll: Christians, what do you think will happen to Atheists after death? [Pt. 2]

    "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. For he who said, 'You shall not commit adultery,' also said, 'You shall not commit murder.' If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker." (James 2: 10-11)...
  17. Jeremy J

    Programming Club

    It's awesome that you've been at it for most of your life. I've been doing it for only a few years. I study computer science as a college major and i'm always learning on my own outside of school. However, I have seriously been considering switching over to computer engineering. I would love to...
  18. Jeremy J

    Reporting Work Place Violations

    You work there. So I'm sure you are aware of the is and is not okay. If you really know that what your co-workers are doing is wrong, then maybe mention it to a manager. But of course, the best thing you can do is to continue to live as an example of Jesus Christ and pray for your them.
  19. Jeremy J

    Programming Club

    I would love for this to be a place where brothers and sisters in Christ who share a love for programming can come together. It will be good fellowship. Whether you are an expert or a beginner, your membership will be valued. The purpose of this group is for spiritual encouragement, the...