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  1. royal priest

    NFL Should Give Colin Kapernick Another Chance

    That's not something most black people would equate to slavery .
  2. royal priest

    NFL Should Give Colin Kapernick Another Chance

    He said it himself. All those whites at the NFL combine sizing up the blacks to determine who will be most profitable.
  3. royal priest

    A clean movie with adventure a great story awesome music very funny and touching

    Yay! verily yay! I love the Court Jester!
  4. royal priest

    Is Christianity a theocracy?

    Jesus will take over this world when He returns. For now it's under the rule of the Devil. 1 John 5:19
  5. royal priest

    Did I invite Satan to deceive me?

    Spend your life studying God's Word to you, the Bible, and you will find every answer regarding your relationship to Him.
  6. royal priest

    North American Continent

    More than ever. Yet He will never abandon His people. Psalms 91:11-16 He will give His angels orders concerning you, to protect you in all your ways. On their hands they will lift you up, so that you do not strike your foot against a stone. You will walk upon the lion and cobra, You will...
  7. royal priest

    Propaganda found in social engineering efforts used by the press?

    We are amidst a cultural revolution of Marxist proportions. Education is useless if it does not contribute to this cause. Math and science are its biggest offenders.
  8. royal priest

    Southwest Missouri high school teacher accused of using critical race theory loses job

    Nowadays, a black person doesn't even need AA to get priority over white peers. That's why we have white people checking African American on their school applications.
  9. royal priest

    Toxic Masculinity Vs Toxic Femininity

    There is nothing more toxic to men and women than sin; old-fashioned heart transgression against the ten commandments. There is nothing more purifying of that chief toxin than by applying the Gospel.
  10. royal priest

    My uncertain future

    Don't lose heart, brother. The Lord only intends to better fit you for service in the Kingdom of His beloved Son. Malachi 3:2-3 Who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner’s fire and like launderers’ soap. He will sit as a refiner and a...
  11. royal priest

    God's Eternal Law; what does it entail?

    Yes. Otherwise, how could we not hold an offender accountable if they are ready and willing to commit the same act?
  12. royal priest

    God's Eternal Law; what does it entail?

    The church's role is to prepare believers for the Kingdom of God (true observers of the Eternal Law.) Unless and until God God makes Putin a believer, we ought to view his remorse as pretense. The world has its own standard of 'law' and will judge his repentance on that basis, but the church...
  13. royal priest

    God's Eternal Law; what does it entail?

    From the perspective of a secular world, Putin would have to embrace globalism. From God's perspective, Putin would have to embrace Him.
  14. royal priest

    God and Diversity

    The world speaks of different races, but God recognizes mankind as one race. There is only one essential distinction in this race; those who are in Christ and those who are not. On judgement day, people from every nation, tribe, and tongue will be judged according to that one essential distinction.
  15. royal priest

    How main stream media views its job

    Teaching people how to think is a good thing. Unfortunately, the msm is more interested in telling us what to think.
  16. royal priest

    Southwest Missouri high school teacher accused of using critical race theory loses job

    Ironically, her official nomination was blocked by Biden through what he now calls, "a relic of the Jim Crow era."
  17. royal priest

    Southwest Missouri high school teacher accused of using critical race theory loses job

    Republicans nominated a black woman in 2003, but Democrats blocked her. CRT is convincing many people that racism exists under every rock. :( It's a Marxist ideology born and cultivated in the Frankfurt School and will destroy Constitutional Democracy if we allow it.
  18. royal priest

    I just finished watching the Eternals against my better judgement.

    This theme is becoming more prevalent in Hollywood.
  19. royal priest

    Why God can Save the world

    People who are not saved show God's justice and wrath, and they remind believers of God's undeserving grace. Romans 9:22-23 What if God, wanting to show His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, and that He might make...