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  1. A

    Looking for friends.

    Hello there, I am 22 and would love to make some friends, especially female friends because I am in the military and surrounded by legally adult male children XD all the time. I have thought about social work before, but I think I might do better as a teacher after I get out of the military. I...
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    I'm sorry for what you and your sister are going through. I will say a prayer for you :)
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    "He said WHAT now?!" Are you a potty-mouth?

    I am in the military..........cuss words are thrown around constantly in everyday language. I hate that I do it but I find that because I am surrounded by it, swearing comes almost as naturally as breathing. Half the time I don't even realize that I am saying them unless someone points it out :/...
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    hi..........I'm akward...

    lol does she play magic too? XD
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    hi..........I'm akward...

    Haha you would get along great with my fiance he loves need stuff like that :)
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    Why can't God give ma a very good-looking woman?

    I see that you are being a little harsh on your woman's looks, but have you ever considered your own? Just saying, you can't expect to get a beauty queen if you aren't super good looking yourself. I see that in a lot of guys and they usually end up making themselves miserable because they are...
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    hi..........I'm akward...

    Thank you also :) nice to meet you :)
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    hi..........I'm akward...

    Hi, and thanks for the welcome :)
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    hi..........I'm akward...

    Nice to meet you too :)
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    hi..........I'm akward...

    I am really into riding horses and I also enjoy camping, hiking, shopping, and occasionally painting. Hbu?
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    hi..........I'm akward...

    I could use some Christian friends..........I am a as you can imagine Christian friends are in short supply........or just you know friends in general that don't have ulerior motives due to the face that I'm female in a predominately male environment. So uh uh yeah......Hi