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  1. Not_By_Chance

    Who or what is responsible for suffering?

    I think you're right - we're running on autopilot at the moment and it's just tough if you happen to be in the wrong place at the moment some disaster strikes.
  2. Not_By_Chance

    Who or what is responsible for suffering?

    Well I have to say that that is one of the most bizarre quotes I have ever heard and almost certainly would represent a miniscule opinion of the population. Here’s why: So, according to that person, we’ve been getting it all wrong since God expelled Adam & Eve from the Garden of Eden. To use...
  3. Not_By_Chance

    Who or what is responsible for suffering?

    So if I were to meet the 8-year-old girl who had her leg blown off, whose life is ruined and who undoubtedly is completely traumatised, not to mention to unimaginable pain and fear that she must be experiencing, memories of which will haunt her for the rest of her life (assuming she survives...
  4. Not_By_Chance

    Who or what is responsible for suffering?

    Hmm. I don't think that would bring much comfort to those unfortunate souls in The Bahamas that have lost everything due to the recent hurricane that passed directly over them. I can imagine the conversation going something like this:- Resident 1: "Please help me, I've lost everything; I've...
  5. Not_By_Chance

    Who or what is responsible for suffering?

    Thank you for reminding me of some relevant teachings from our Lord on this topic. I guess we just have to accept that there are many things about this life that are so below God's ways that we can't possibly comprehend them, despite the media and secular scientists trying to convince us otherwise.
  6. Not_By_Chance

    Who or what is responsible for suffering?

    It's a massive deal for those unfortunate enough to be caught up in the horrific events that take place on this planet and it surely makes many, even if they believe in God, to conclude that He doesn't care. In addition to the dreadful things that happen to people and other life forms, there is...
  7. Not_By_Chance

    Who or what is responsible for suffering?

    Looking at the appalling suffering that there is in this world, I think it can broadly be divided into suffering deliberately or accidentally inflicted by living creatures and so-called natural events, like earthquakes, extreme weather, etc. There was a graphic example of the former on the BBC...
  8. Not_By_Chance

    World Population

    My mistake - I meant to use the description "fairy tale" rather than "myth."
  9. Not_By_Chance

    World Population

    No problem with that, but it would take an incredible stretch of the imagination to extend the shown graph to the left to fit within evolutionary timescales. On that basis, God's explanation in Genesis 1 & 2 seems much more plausible, to me at least.
  10. Not_By_Chance

    What is a Creationist?

    If in doubt, read what God told us in the opening chapters of Genesis and other parts of the Bible. I personally believe all ten statements to be true and far more easy to believe than the myth of evolution.
  11. Not_By_Chance

    World Population

    I simply took an approximation of how long it takes to double the world's population, so not based on Biblical genealogy but current/previous estimates. Having re-checked, I may be out a bit as the current situation is apparently around 64 years for the population to double in size...
  12. Not_By_Chance

    World Population

    There are many reasons why I don't believe in evolution, but the other night I was thinking about the size of the world's population and it seemed to me that if evolution were really true, there would have to be many more people in the world than there really are. Even working to an approximate...
  13. Not_By_Chance

    Evidence for a Young Earth (Not Billions of Years Old)

    If you want some fabulous material to add strong support for your point of view, you can find it on the following website: Videos - Creation Astronomy I have all three videos and I am in fact just watching them all again because they are so inspiring.
  14. Not_By_Chance

    Oh no I bought a old earth apologetics book!

    Maybe this article could give you some pointers, although no-one really knows the answers to the mysteries of creation except the One who created it all.
  15. Not_By_Chance

    Does God know what we will do in the future? Our fate?

    I don't claim to know much about anything in the grand scheme of things, but although on the one hand what you say seems plausible, I'm thinking that surely that contradicts the cases of fulfilled prophesy doesn't it? For example, how could anyone predict the coming of the Messiah or the...
  16. Not_By_Chance

    After the flood: How did kangaroos get to Australia?

    I'm glad you mentioned Job, because there are some things in there that must have seemed like nonsense to Job, but he understood that God knew what he was talking about, so he wrote them down. Things like the earth being supported by nothing, when most if not all other ancient traditions had...
  17. Not_By_Chance

    After the flood: How did kangaroos get to Australia?

    My reading of the relevant part of Genesis is that it is God reporting the facts that occurred through Moses and therefore it is irrelevant what "they" thought all the earth meant.
  18. Not_By_Chance

    After the flood: How did kangaroos get to Australia?

    To answer the question, where did the water go, that's simple - it's still here in the oceans. There's enough water on the planet to cover to entire earth to a depth of over 2km if it weren't for the mountains. Those who propose a local flood don't realise how absurd the idea is and how...
  19. Not_By_Chance


    Truth isn't decided by a majority vote. It could equally mean that the masses have allowed themselves to be deceived just to avoid conflict with those who ought to know better. Didn't scripture predict that the wise would become as fools or words to that effect? Perhaps we are seeing that...
  20. Not_By_Chance


    I suggest re-evaluating what we can observe from nature to give clues to how we got here. Q. Is it more reasonable to assume that the universe exploded from nothing or that a force (God) outside of time created it by His awesome power? Q. Is it reasonable to assume that life got started from...