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  1. L

    In This Life And the Next

    Mar 10:29 And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's, Mar 10:30 But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and...
  2. L

    Christianity has nothing to offer you while you're alive

    This statement is not in breach of the forum rules?
  3. L

    Questions about the Apostolic Faith Movement

    I was Assembly of God and not AFM, but I grew up in Rhodesia [now Zimbabwe] in Southern Africa. My wife's family attended the AFM in Salisbury [Harare]. Yes, the AFM held to the Pentecostal tradition as well as that of holiness. In the era of my early childhood most Pentecostal groups taught...
  4. L

    Lost Reward?

    I am not one of those who questions my salvation or, indeed, that of others who have confessed their faith in the only begotten son of God: so called because he came in the flesh and walked among men revealing the Father to all who would believe. Not only that but he gave himself a propitiation...
  5. L

    Do as You're Told

    Its a real shame you missed the point of my conversation, which had nothing to do with my wife's submission but my relationship with Father God. There was no rebuke here. Ought husbands to love their wives? Absolutely. Do I love mine? Read what I wrote above and make your own judgement. Perhaps...
  6. L

    Do as You're Told

    Thank you all for your replies, sorry to those who feel I am pushing the human down, or even Jesus Christ. If you read it again you will note that it is actually about my relationship with my Father, who is God. He is my Father and it is expected that he will command me. Jesus called him his...
  7. L

    Do as You're Told

    1Co 11:3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. I suppose you might regard this as tongue in cheek but I do regard our attitude to be of extreme importance in our relationship with God. I do not...
  8. L

    On the importance of citing sources

    Thank you for that information. I have heard my dad mention Torrey, though he did not recall Edershiem when I asked him. My mum tells me he read mostly Gordon Lindsay in his early days in Christ, though that is not the connection to the AOG. She went to Bible Study and he studied at home "and...
  9. L

    On the importance of citing sources

    I would have to read Edersheim to know what you're talking about, but you suggest that was the basis of Willie Burton's faith. My mum and dad speak highly of brother Burton who moved among the churches in Southern Rhodesia in the early days of their salvation. I was only a small child and do...
  10. L

    The New Birth And The New Creature

    Please read John 3:1-21, then read it out loud and read it a third time, writing it down, if you like, to ensure you remember it. The good news that Jesus proclaimed was that he came, not only to give forgiveness, but freedom. He came, not only to give you a second chance, but a change. A new...
  11. L

    God Loves You

    Even as Moses lifted the serpent's image up on the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up because God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that all who believe in him would not die but have everlasting life. John 3:14 & 16. This I know I can say unequivocally...
  12. L

    The Good News Of Jesus Christ

    Essentially, God loves you and that love brings about a transformation in you so that you might have eternal life and continuing fellowship with him. This is relational, and its community, and its ongoing. There is a beginning and there is a fullness. Not an end but a fullness for what we...
  13. L

    Pointless to Focus on Sin

    And through whom will the Holy Spirit speak? What kind of "finding" and "loving" is this? Does not love teach us not to do evil? Do we not find Christ by forsaking this world? Teach me how to love God and still sin, if you can.
  14. L

    Pointless to Focus on Sin

    I have heard this before from a local pastor and fellow minister only to sit and hear his frustration that people continued as they were when they needed to change. His favourite statement when he preached [because he was schooled this way] was, "God loves you just the way you are." This is an...
  15. L

    On the importance of citing sources

    I would have no idea which are considered the top 10 Charismatic Pentecostal Systematic theology books. I don't live by systematic theology but by the word of God, which I read. I cannot say that I have read these others you do not name. I do not consider myself charismatic, but pentecostal and...
  16. L

    The Bible: God's plan for the redemption of humankind? Or... ???

    He is the Saviour of all people because anyone can choose to believe, but not all are saved, read John 3. You need to take special note of 1 Timothy 4:10, which you quoted. Jn 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father...
  17. L

    The Bible: God's plan for the redemption of humankind? Or... ???

    That would depend on what translation you use. Not all say, "the many". I think you need to go back to verse 12 Rom 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: Note that death does not naturally pass...
  18. L

    The Bible: God's plan for the redemption of humankind? Or... ???

    Tell me, if I was unwittingly rushing headlong toward a cliff and you warned me of the danger, would that make you a gangster godfather? If I were clinging desperately to that cliff and you offered me your hand to safety, would that make you a gangster godfather? Man's plight is certain...
  19. L

    Pointless to Focus on Sin

    What if what you see as a focus on sin is actually not but a focus on salvation from its power? Do you leave a baby to discover how to walk and eat, or do you instruct it? Even those who advocate wait till its ready discover that it needs to be encouraged and supported as it learns. We send our...