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  1. FireHeart


    You are not understanding my words and if that is what you wish to see in my words then I will let you be to your own my only word of advice is to remember to add both who he is and the scriptures
  2. FireHeart


    Don't make the mistake of thinking I am putting my own reason above the word of God. I only spoke of what I have come to know of him from spending massive amount of time with him seeking to know his heart and his nature more and more everyday taking every opportunity to dive a little deeper...
  3. FireHeart


    I think we have to consider that scripture alone won't be enough we also have to take into account who he is and apply it to the scriptures. The bible speaks of many things about who he is he is all powerful he is glorious he is righteous he has anger and sadness and he wrath as well but above...
  4. FireHeart


    I suggest we not derail the thread on eternal torment debates and focus at the purpose of the thread in which both I and the op are needing help with. the two opposing views of predestination while both showing truth continue to contradict each other scripture is easily found for both side yet...
  5. FireHeart


    I don't think that understanding the scriptures is based upon a single doctrine, often times the truth is rarely what we thought it was. The bible is the word of God and is like an onion or the earths crust it has many many layers it's easy to see the first layer but to dive into the deeper...
  6. FireHeart


    But the torture for eternity thing is true I have no doubt you have been shown scriptures to support it and so i feel no need to post them unless you want me to but if that were not enough I have been to hell before I saw the lake of fire I felt the intense heat and thirst even the humidity...
  7. FireHeart


    Interestingly enough I just made thread with the same issue I am trying to find the truth of it as well. and I share the exact same issue you have. there seems to be a missing link in this that we are missing because predestination appears to be very true but knowing the nature and the love of...
  8. FireHeart

    Dream of angelic armies?

    I don't think it has to do with humans asking God to send angels. If in fact this is a dream of the harvest it's about God giving the order for them to go out across the world the north the east the south the west and gather the wheat from the fields that it yields. As for Jesus waiting for me...
  9. FireHeart

    Dream of angelic armies?

    I have had countless dreams and visions of the rapture several times I saw myself going in it but people are always saying be ready and that it's happening soon but what is soon to us and soon to God and do people really know how to be ready? Many are waiting and hoping for the rapture to happen...
  10. FireHeart


    Yes there are creatures such as that everything that you can imagine you will even see dragons there beautiful ones that you can be friends with the Lord knows peoples hearts and he places things there that would fancy their desires but also there are creatures there that we have never heard of...
  11. FireHeart


    In heaven everything is completely different than from here, the plants and trees and the flowers are far more healthy far more beautiful far more vivid the grass is a deep luscious green and feels like silk on your skin the flowers colors and their beauty are far more advanced than you will...
  12. FireHeart

    Dream of angelic armies?

    I didn't see them armed with anything they were just waiting for the order a friend of mine when I asked her about it says that God showed me that he is going to be taking his children home any second like the harvest in it's season
  13. FireHeart

    Bible Codes

    I have heard of the bible codes personally I don't have the understanding to decipher them in order to find out if they are real or not but as for obama it is not certain the only thing I know is that it's odd that Jesus spoke his name when he said He replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning...
  14. FireHeart

    Surviving Nuclear/Biological Attacks

    How to survive nuclear/biological attacks Psalm 32:7 You are my hiding place; You preserve me from trouble; You surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah. Psalm 41:2 The LORD will protect him and keep him alive, And he shall be called blessed upon the earth; And do not give him over to the...
  15. FireHeart

    I see numbers all the time and it drives me crazy...

    I see two specific numbers all the time everywhere and in ways that I wouldn't expect 911 and 711 I have no idea why I see these numbers all the time I don't look for them they just appear even when a clock says 6:11 my mind without meaning to turns it upside down and I get 911 I see 711 in all...
  16. FireHeart

    Dream of angelic armies?

    These fruits flow in my heart and my life everyday and this dream doesn't give me a sense of anything really except that it's worth paying attention to. And yes your right sometimes dreams are meant specifically for us
  17. FireHeart

    Dream of angelic armies?

    I can understand the skeptics and the doubters in this day and age dreams and visions are all so fake and over spoken it's hard to tell sometimes I mean you know how easy it is to fake a dream? I can pick a subject from the bible specifically one that has prophetic meaning in some way or form...
  18. FireHeart

    Dream of angelic armies?

    I am not unaware how the mind works with dreams I used to study how the mind works and how dreams affect us and are affected by things around us by the things we watch by the things we eat by what we think about often there are many many factors that can alter our dreams. However when it's from...
  19. FireHeart

    Communion outside the Church

    I would love have communion in the catholic church, I may not agree with a lot of their ways but I have met many Catholics who I have seen the love and heart of God deeply and communion with other believers is never a waste
  20. FireHeart

    Dream of angelic armies?

    It's possible that they are seconds away from receiving this order but just as it is not for us to know the day and hour of Christs return perhaps it is not for me to know what the order is only to be ready but if it's a massive army of angels it must be big