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  1. rjs330

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    So transwomen don't believe they are women? I think you'll have to support that. Because I believe it. And if you don't want to offend me you have to say it too. You know, to be polite. You do t actually have to believe it, just say it That's not what I asked. You said they already know...
  2. rjs330

    Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Transgender Competitors

    Yes! I wondered when this was going g to happen. I'm very hopeful they can win this. Trans women are not women. If they want their own section in the sporting events then I'm all for it. Some goes for bathrooms, locker rooms etc. I'm all for them having thier own spaces.
  3. rjs330

    Texas man details wife's devastating miscarriage amid state's strict abortion laws

    Did you miss rhe part where doctor made a.medical decision? The doctor said it wasn't an emergency. Now maybe the doctor.was wrong. Maybe it was an emergency. Doctors aren't infallible. Well except in the mind of many on the left who want to claim that the doctors are rhe medical...
  4. rjs330

    CNN: Biden pulls from Trump’s immigration playbook in election-year twist

    I know right? The left hated Teump.and how he talked therefore his desire to shut the border down because of the unco trolled influx was completely ridiculous. The left loves Biden and so when he wants to shut the border down because of the uncontrolled influx, we'll that's perfectly...
  5. rjs330

    CNN: Biden pulls from Trump’s immigration playbook in election-year twist

    Oh you found 14 people that were either upset that the immigrants were being sent to their cities or wanted help with dealing with them. How many of those 14 were telling Biden to close the border until they got a handle on things?
  6. rjs330

    Israel-Hamas Thread II

    Once again this is Hamas' fault in conjunction with their Palestinian supporters. There is really no way to tell them from anyone else. And the moment you think you can they blow themselves up and kill you.
  7. rjs330

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

    Who do you think writes these reports? Just because it's a government agency doesn't make it unbiased. The government has a stake in this game. As long as it can say blacks are being discriminated against it gives them the ability to use this information for various political measures and...
  8. rjs330

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

    I don't think anyone is claiming any such thing. Are there lingering effects? I'm sure there are. Are they to blame for everything? Absolutely not. Are there still racists in the country? Yes. Are they responsible for all the issues. Of course not. Are there actual racist systems in the...
  9. rjs330

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    Why would you want to gave all access to biological women spaces and control peoples speech when you aren't one? No they don't believe they are just trans women, they believe they are women. No you have to agree that being gay is sin. I don't think so. Would you tell a transwoman they are...
  10. rjs330

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    Good I'm glad you agree it's delusional. And I certainly agree we can ignore the delusion. I would love to have ability to ignore it. Except we can't. You can't and don't. You also support the we can't ignore it ideology. You've spent this whole thread telling us we shouldn't ignore it...
  11. rjs330

    CNN: Biden pulls from Trump’s immigration playbook in election-year twist

    Trump followed the proper process fir shutting down the border and the left went nuts. Over what he said as well as what he did. If one removed what was said from the equation would the left have then supported Trumps decision? If Trump simply said, we are being overwhelmed and need to shut...
  12. rjs330

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    You are absolutely participating in that faith system. Because the person believes they are a woman and therefore should have the right to be treated as such. Including controlling your speech. Just like if I demanded that you acknowledge and say that being gay is a sin. You may say you...
  13. rjs330

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    I gave no idea what you are trying to say. Would you not consider someone who thinks they are a bird delusional? Was the person who tossed their child into the water delusional because thought the child was a fish? Let's see you dodge this.
  14. rjs330

    Cracker Barrel CEO says chain is 'just not as relevant as we once were,' amid struggles

    An aweful lot of sit down family style restaurants went belly up after the pandemic. It's one of those things that were very hard to keep going. Times have changed and people seem to be looking for a different dining experience. The challenge is to find out what that is. A lot of younger...
  15. rjs330

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    Doctors absolutely should believe their patients when the patient says something they are thinking and feeling. If I walked into my doctors office and said "Doc I think and feel like I have prostate cancer" he should believe that I feel and think that. Should he treat me for prostate cancer...
  16. rjs330

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    Are you ignoring what I've said before again? If women have no clue that that the person in the ladies room is a man, they won't say or experience a thing. And I'm okay with that. If a man who looks like a man goes into the ladies room it's a different story. Every man who goes into a...
  17. rjs330

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    Hey he said your partner not mine. LOL. Wait are you saying she's your partner too?
  18. rjs330

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    The argument is if you are thinking something that is demonstrably false as a reality, such as you think you are a bird and so jump off a building to fly then you are mentally ill and delusional. If someone believed, sincerely with all their mind and feeling that their child was a fish so...
  19. rjs330

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    Biology is not a linguistic convention. Yes you are making a profound statement. The fact you don't see it is extremely limited. It's nothing more than staring at the tree so you miss the entire forest. Gender is a faith based concept. And you are free to choose whatever faith you choose...