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  1. Givemeareason

    The difference between Liberals and Conservatives

    How would you know if they were dumb in either case. Dont conservatives often classify people they don't understand as liberals. For example, aren't new age people considered liberal? And if so, that couldn't be farther from the truth IMO. My feeling of dumb are people who make no effort to...
  2. Givemeareason

    The difference between Liberals and Conservatives

    I was just reading that it may depend more on neurological factors. “Political Orientations Are Correlated With Brain Structure in Young Adults,” was based on the results of MRI scans on participants and it is noteworthy that the results of an MRI cannot possibly be biased, but they can reveal...
  3. Givemeareason

    The difference between Liberals and Conservatives

    Sounds like you had more on your mind than getting to know each other. People do it all the time. :-)
  4. Givemeareason

    The difference between Liberals and Conservatives

    So you're the conservative. What were you thinking getting married to a liberal anyway?
  5. Givemeareason

    The difference between Liberals and Conservatives

    I don't think that is what is being suggested. However it is being suggested that the conservative mind prefers certainty while the liberal mind is better at handling ambiguity. I think the more aggressive nature of conservatives also explains their affinity for war. And their need for...
  6. Givemeareason

    The difference between Liberals and Conservatives

    Sounds like the differences are even genetic. This explains a lot. "That conservatives respond much more rapidly to threatening and aversive stimuli (for instance, images of “a very large spider on the face of a frightened person, a dazed individual with a bloody face, and an open wound with...
  7. Givemeareason

    Can I be Christian and Not Believe the Bible?

    Jesus referred to the old testament because he he was talking to the people then. Two thousand years later it is still clear he was still talking to them. Our challenge is how does that apply to us. And considering the morality of the old testament much of it obviously does not.
  8. Givemeareason

    Probability of Origin of Life by Chance just went way UP.

    Leaping to a God conclusion explains nothing. Maybe God did it or maybe there are any number of other causes. The need for certainty should not cause one to leap to conclusions.
  9. Givemeareason

    Probability of Origin of Life by Chance just went way UP.

    The laws of the universe suffice... which perhaps we have not yet all discovered.
  10. Givemeareason

    Can I be Christian and Not Believe the Bible?

    Having to have a meeting to decide that Jesus was the son of God doesn't sound very convincing or inspirational to me.
  11. Givemeareason

    Can I be Christian and Not Believe the Bible?

    You did not answer my question. The old testament being a compilation of scriptures at that time makes one wonder what Jesus referred to and what we see today.
  12. Givemeareason

    Probability of Origin of Life by Chance just went way UP.

    I disagree. You are on a slippery slope and are applying words regarding prophecy to justify the creation story. This is not applicable nor does it conform to the YEC view of Genesis to be taken literally. You cannot go around reinterpreting the words of the Bible and still claim the Bible is...
  13. Givemeareason

    Can I be Christian and Not Believe the Bible?

    That brings to mind, what is the difference if any between scripture then and the OT today? Thanks again.
  14. Givemeareason

    Can I be Christian and Not Believe the Bible?

    I have no idea nor would I want to make that accusation against you anyway.
  15. Givemeareason

    Can I be Christian and Not Believe the Bible?

    Thank you for the reminder.
  16. Givemeareason

    Can I be Christian and Not Believe the Bible?

    That is a difficult question for me. And I am not able to believe things that are not believable. Much of what I wrestle with is questionable. I am not able for example to accept Genesis as anything more than just ancient myth perhaps with roots in history. I have many issues with...
  17. Givemeareason

    Can I be Christian and Not Believe the Bible?

    True, however most of us still like to affiliate with churches. And I am not too attached to the idea that we all have our own direct link to God. That in my view has led many Christians into "feel good" religion and all sorts of distortions of the word of God.
  18. Givemeareason

    Probability of Origin of Life by Chance just went way UP.

    Who says you CAN have days longer than 24 hours. It sure doesn't say that in the Bible. And even if it did, there is no reason to redefine days to be millions of years. I doubt Moses even had a concept of a number like that. All you are doing is trying to reinterpret Genesis to fit your...
  19. Givemeareason

    Can I be Christian and Not Believe the Bible?

    Thanks for the suggestion but most of the smaller community churches i have seen these days are strongly influenced by fundamentalist views and the Republican Party. The Catholic church is still the original church.
  20. Givemeareason

    Probability of Origin of Life by Chance just went way UP.

    Exactly, it all depends on interpretation. Literal means it says what it says. So you don't take Genesis literally then? Again if a day were millions of years it should have said that. There was no reason we should have to make that interpretation in order to make it fit.