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  1. S

    Thoughts about the confusing word: "Law"

    Again, there was no deception in my error.
  2. S

    Thoughts about the confusing word: "Law"

    Maybe I have unintentionally accused Paul of hypocrisy, but you seem to be misusing the word. I would not accuse the person Paul who lived two thousand years ago, I accuse the epistle that Paul may or may not have written. I may accuse them, who make Paul more important than Peter, or more...
  3. S

    Thoughts about the confusing word: "Law"

    I rely on memory and make mistakes; I do not think Paul is a hypocrite when he says he met an angel of light on the road to Damascus and then said Satan can turn himself into an angel of light, I believe Paul thought he was speaking to someone of lesser intelligence.
  4. S

    Thoughts about the confusing word: "Law"

    My understanding of the role God plays in the lives of people begins with people breathing, breath is God in them. In a way that which comes from God and returns to God in part defines God. The law and the Prophets define God for our purpose, yet not exclusively. To talk about God we need to...
  5. S

    Thoughts about the confusing word: "Law"

    I already have a hard copy of the book. 2 Tim 3:16, I am sure Paul was talking about the OT+, not his own epistles. The canon came three hundred years later; I don't expect Rome (Not referring to the Catholic Church or its Priests) had anything to do what was in the Canon, but it was Rome at...
  6. S

    Thoughts about the confusing word: "Law"

    I believe all things relevant to salvation are established in the OT, then confirmed in Jesus and by Jesus. I do not believe God played a part in forming the canon. I doubt the veracity of most Christian doctrine; for the Lord to shepherd, men need to follow, few do. I have come across a...
  7. S

    Works Relation to Salvation

    I believe my covenantal rights were established by my ancestors and their descendants and as their descendant. You claim to be a gentile, does that mean you are a stranger to the land of Israel or a stranger to the God of Israel?
  8. S

    Thoughts about the confusing word: "Law"

    I do not use Paul; Jesus is my teacher. I believe Paul is an ambassador, but not Christ's. Jesus said Satan can change himself into an angel of light. I believe Satan changed himself int an angel of light and met Paul on the road to Damascus and sent him forth as the deception that can...
  9. S

    Works Relation to Salvation

    Jesus established the new/renewed covenant with the lost sheep of Israel, Matt 10. Notice how Gentiles are excluded until later, Mark 16:15.
  10. S

    Why the weekly Sabbath (Saturday) is the Lord's Day, in the Bible

    In Genesis “The seventh day” defines which day God sanctified; Sabbath or rest does not uniquely define which day, My holy day, defines which day assuming by holy one means sanctified or set apart. For many the word holy describes a Pagan spiritualism, I hope you are not one of them. In Exo...
  11. S

    Works Relation to Salvation

    When Jesus referred to the new covenant during the Passover it is recorded in three Gospels, two of the Gospels say "this is the blood of the covenant, one says, this is the Blood of the new covenant. The choice between renew and new made by translators is academic, a renewed covenant is...
  12. S

    Thoughts about the confusing word: "Law"

    I disagree with you on every point. What do you mean by there is no such thing as a pagan Christian? Could it be that there is no such thing as a heathen Christian, or no such thing as an unenlightened Christian, a fake Christian, a false Christian or the Christian who uses Jesus's name to...
  13. S

    Why the weekly Sabbath (Saturday) is the Lord's Day, in the Bible

    The word for Sabbath does not seem to appear in Revelation anywhere.
  14. S

    Why the weekly Sabbath (Saturday) is the Lord's Day, in the Bible

    I am having trouble working out where you are coming from in this discussion; you seem to be saying cucumbers are green and I am saying tomatoes are red. Then you try to produce something that is a bit of both. Lets look at this from the perspective of a Pagan/Christian, the Lord's day is...
  15. S

    Why the weekly Sabbath (Saturday) is the Lord's Day, in the Bible

    I got a reply from the Rabbi, "I can’t tell you what the term means in the NT. To the best of my knowledge the Sabbath is not referred to as “G-d’s day,” but it is referred to (in the Torah) as “G-d’s Sabbath,” or His rest day. When the prophets speak of “the day of G-d,” it refers to when G-d...
  16. S

    Thoughts about the confusing word: "Law"

    I May be getting threads confused. As well as abrogating the Law, pagan/Christians have changed the Lord's Day from Saturday to Sunday. I was trying to make two points, that the Lord's mentioned in Rev 1:10 has nothing to do with the Sabbath, and to call the Day of God's wrath the Sabbath...
  17. S

    Thoughts about the confusing word: "Law"

    There is the plan of salvation/redemption and the putting away of Satan and evil, which was revealed progressively by prophets, and the plan involves the entrapment of Satan. Predestination does not describe foreknowledge.
  18. S

    Thoughts about the confusing word: "Law"

    I have no idea what it will be like in the kingdom to come, what you are calling democracy, I would call freedom, salvation. There are a lot of things we are not told; we live and are then judged. In addition to this there is the magnitude of God's wrath, and the day of that, of which the book...
  19. S

    Thoughts about the confusing word: "Law"

    The Law and its subsets introduced by Moses is mankind's requirement and obligation to the covenant (enabling some to be called and chosen as inhabitants of the kingdom), God's obligation to the covenant is to provide the salvation, the Law, the Kingdom and the King. The greatest failure of...