Search results

  1. Rawtheran

    Do Holiness Churches (Nazarenes, Wesleyans, etc.) Allow Images of Jesus?

    Holiness churches today aren't fortunately nearly as legalistic as they were in the early 1900's so actually yes there are some, especially in my denomination the Church of the Nazarene where you will find images of Jesus. It really depends on the personality and makeup of the congregation...
  2. Rawtheran

    Nazarene Church and Inerrancy

    Hello There 9Rock9 my name is Dillon Ringo and I am a Pastor within the Church of the Nazarene and thank you for asking this really thought-provoking question I'll do the best that I can to answer it! The official position that the Church of the Nazarene takes on the inerrancy of scripture is...
  3. Rawtheran

    Do United Methodist Believe Once You're Saved You're Always Saved?

    Another logical argument that should be made in favor of Eternal Security would be how can a believer who has genuinely experienced the New Birth and has become indwelled by the Holy Spirit suddenly become unindwelt or unregenerated? Say they do according to the classical Arminian argument...
  4. Rawtheran

    Do United Methodist Believe Once You're Saved You're Always Saved?

    Oh really well this is super exciting yeah the COTN has really been just discerning the will of God in terms of just getting out there and establishing new Church plants so that is truly awesome to here I hope that you're finding you experience at the new church plant welcoming and friendly when...
  5. Rawtheran

    The importance of water baptism within Wesleyan theology

    Having once been in the UMC I do understand where you are coming from but baby dedications can be found in scripture and were apart of the Torah. Hannah dedicated her baby the Prophet Samuel to the Lord when she conceived and Jesus himself was dedicated to God at the Temple shortly after his...
  6. Rawtheran

    Do United Methodist Believe Once You're Saved You're Always Saved?

    That's a rather simplistic view of Arminian theology because actually it can be quite vast among the different denominations and there is certainly huge differences at times between Wesleyan Arminianism and Classical Arminianism. For example, Arminius believed that if someone were to actually...
  7. Rawtheran

    The importance of water baptism within Wesleyan theology

    Greetings ByTheSpirit how are you doing? So in the Church of the Nazarene it is taught that Water Baptism in of itself does not save you, wash away your sins, or endow you with any kind of magical powers lol. Water Baptism is seen as a means of grace by which someone is choosing to come forward...
  8. Rawtheran

    Do United Methodist Believe Once You're Saved You're Always Saved?

    You would be very hardpressed to find a UMC, COTN, or Wesleyan denomination stating that they believe in the doctrine of Eternal Security although speaking from experience in the Church of the Nazarene in which I'm a District Licensed Minister I've never once heard of a District board ever...
  9. Rawtheran

    Old-School Pentecostals and Wesleyan Holiness Christians

    As someone going through the Ministerial process in the Church of the Nazarene I can confirm that this is pretty accurate although the Nazarene understanding of Entire Sanctification really has always been in flux to be honest with a new definition coming out every generation or so. The trend...
  10. Rawtheran

    Something is troubling me in the UMC

    Looking at all of these responses I have to say that I'm honestly shocked that there are Pastors who are not proclaiming the gospel from the pulpit or teaching how it is only through the sanctifying grace of Christ that our lives can truly become transformed because that's Methodism 101. Plus as...
  11. Rawtheran

    Old-School Pentecostals and Wesleyan Holiness Christians

    Good intentions but incredibly legalistic. I'm glad that most Wesleyan-Holiness churches like the Wesleyan Church and the Church of the Nazarene are not like that today.
  12. Rawtheran

    It's Been A Long Time

    GraceSeeker! It's good to see you again after all this time. I'm currently attending Northwest Nazarene University in their Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry program and in the beginning steps of the process of Ordination. Glad to see you're doing well
  13. Rawtheran

    UMC affiliated seminary experiences?

    Many of John Wesley's ideas and teachings actually came from the Eastern Orthodox tradition especially the theological concept of Entire Sanctification. The reason why I chose the Church of the Nazarene over the UMC mainly came down to 3 reasons which for the most part didn't really have to do...
  14. Rawtheran

    UMC affiliated seminary experiences?

    Yeah of course! The Church of the Nazarene is a denomination within the Wesleyan tradition that split from the Methodist Episcopal Church in the early 1900s based on the Holiness movement. The major difference between the UMC and the Church of the Nazarene I would say would be that the Church of...
  15. Rawtheran

    The 'Terminator' Just Got Another Body Upgrade

    I'm from Ohio so that's awesome he's currently in the state! Glad his heart surgery was successful
  16. Rawtheran

    Introduction: a homeless Wesleyan leaning Christian here

    Pathfinder, I am a seminary student at Northwest Nazarene University and currently a candidate for ministry within the denomination. If you have any questions please let me know. Hope you're able to attend a church soon! Even if you decide not to join a Nazarene congregation there are some great...
  17. Rawtheran

    My sister passed away

    I'm so sorry that you lost your sister, especially at such a young age. I pray that God will give you peace and comfort during this time as well as the assurance that you will see her again
  18. Rawtheran

    UMC affiliated seminary experiences?

    This is a complete list of seminaries approved by the UMC, check it out! GBHEM - List of Approved Seminaries
  19. Rawtheran

    UMC affiliated seminary experiences?

    I'm affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene and am currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry at Northwest Nazarene University but before that I was apart of the United Methodist Church and knew several Pastors who attended a UMC seminary or a seminary that was approved by the...
  20. Rawtheran

    Rally Day

    Before Covid and everything usually in the Church of the Nazarene we have church events throughout which would be very similar to what you would propose as a Rally day. This happens about every 3-4 months and its a time where all of the different ministries of the church come together such as...