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  1. GillDouglas

    The Paradox of Calvinism and Arminianism (An Opinion)

    I believe it does come down to truly believing and trusting in the sovereignty of God. You may not be a Calvinist at all if you believe that a creature can act/work beyond his power and outside of his nature. You may not be a Calvinist at all if you believe that the One who created all things...
  2. GillDouglas

    Should I leave this church

    @mario1001 I agree with @Albion and his advice to seek out another church. You need a place that will feed you Spiritually and aid you in your walk with Christ. That is the joy of the diverse and plentiful denominations that exist within the Church. The outreach of the one you're involved in...
  3. GillDouglas

    Mainline Protestant and Evangelical denominations both declining, how do we change that?

    I believe that the reminding of sin is imperative for the believer, and Jesus is certainly on that side of the argument. (Matthew 18:15-19) For the unbeliever, they need the supernatural work of the Spirit upon their heart before any sort of reminding will have any affect.
  4. GillDouglas

    Mainline Protestant and Evangelical denominations both declining, how do we change that?

    God can use any situation imaginable to bring out ones conversion. Thanks for your sharing a bit of your testimony.
  5. GillDouglas

    Mainline Protestant and Evangelical denominations both declining, how do we change that?

    Is this necessary a good thing, considering the cesspool that is today's college campuses? Though this isn't necessarily the point, I believe college campuses are a relevant cause of what the OP has stated. However, I believe the kind of education that @James Honigman was referring to was...
  6. GillDouglas

    Mainline Protestant and Evangelical denominations both declining, how do we change that?

    Churches are only necessary for Christians. Certainly we evangelize and encourage unbelievers to 'visit' in hopes that the hearing of the Gospel will bring about the change necessary, but to the unsaved it has no purpose. The decline in the churches that truly feed to Spiritual needs of...
  7. GillDouglas

    Are you for or against the death penalty?

    I usually come across a bit cold and unsympathetic when discussing this topic, so you'll have to forgive me. A few points I have: Not a single person that has ever died, regardless of the cause, has done so 'out of turn'. When it is ones time, even if it is by death penalty (rightfully deserved...
  8. GillDouglas

    Universalism...why not?

    If what you believe to be true is in fact correct then God's righteousness is compromised, repentance is optional, and the atonement is unnecessary. In fact, because you would prefer to tone down or tame the hard truths of Scripture, the Word of God is nullified. It is a serious mistake to...
  9. GillDouglas

    Universalism...why not?

    This was in reference to annihilation vs. eternal condemnation, not the location. The wicked will endure never-ending torment in the lake of fire and be shut out of the Holy City, which is the joyous dwelling place of God and His people forever.
  10. GillDouglas

    Universalism...why not?

    The Word of God is a sharp, two-edged sword that both softens and hardens hearts, comforts and afflicts the weary, saves and damns sinners. To understand and teach the Divine Wrath of God is to place the black velvet backdrop that causes the diamond of God's mercy to shine brighter than a...
  11. GillDouglas

    Universalism...why not?

    I disagree. If you limit the duration of time spent in Hell, you must then limit the duration in Heaven.
  12. GillDouglas

    Universalism...why not?

    A myth for those who've never read, or do not believe in the inerrancy of the Bible. I would suggest you study Matthew, Mark, Luke, Romans, 2 Thessalonians, Hebrews, James, Peter, Jude, and Revelation. Then honestly address this.
  13. GillDouglas

    Universalism...why not?

    'Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to John, to be baptized by him. John would have prevented him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” But Jesus answered him, “Let it be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he consented.'...
  14. GillDouglas

    Universalism...why not?

    The same word is used to describe time in Heaven. Is it limited as well?
  15. GillDouglas

    Universalism...why not?

    Christ preached on Hell more than He preached on Heaven, with good reason. In doing so He is trying to make us realize our desperate need for the righteous life and sacrificial death of Christ! Why don't people follow His example? Why do preachers glance over or avoid preaching on it? People...
  16. GillDouglas

    Universalism...why not?

    It's not just a theory, it is the truth concerning the atonement. Unless you believe the sinner is made holy, pure and is sinless in this life. Unless you do not believe that a sinner, without the righteousness of Christ to shield them from the Holiness of God, will not perish in His presence...
  17. GillDouglas

    Universalism...why not?

    This is one way to twist around the logical meaning of a sentence. As I clearly state, it is not a popular notion because it is not true. Universalism is easily defeated with Scripture. You've adopted the Reformed doctrine of Irresistible (efficacious) Grace, and applied it to physically dead...
  18. GillDouglas

    Universalism...why not?

    False. Universalism directly contradicts what Scripture teaches, and therefore it is NOT a popular notion. To say that those who reject God’s provision of salvation through His Son will be saved by the love of God is to belittle the holiness and justice of God and negate the need of Jesus’...
  19. GillDouglas

    Universalism...why not?

    Maybe I haven't been paying attention. But it seems to me that the belief that all people will be saved after death, regardless of how the lived in life, simply by the love of God is being led by the assumption of God's desires that are based in human emotion. Perhaps it is the thought of men...
  20. GillDouglas

    Universalism...why not?

    Isn't that exactly what Universalists do? Make assumptions about God's intentions, based on human emotional influence, rather than Scripture?