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  1. dew1

    Would God forgive me?

    I did, in my every prayer. sometimes I feel so happy and light, because I feel that I have forgiven, that's why He never stop His blessing to me.. But, sometimes I feel sad so badly, because I scared that He not forgive me. I know they have been taught as what you've said, but is that mean that...
  2. dew1

    Would God forgive me?

    you're so kind, thank you its a BIG thing. Can I make confession in another church in other region. I have been active in church community and organization in my hometown. its not only shame in front of Him, but shame in front of others people. I am so excited but scared in the same time...
  3. dew1

    Isaac or Ismael?

    Hashem' promises to make Ismael a great nation had fulfil, through his descendant; Muhammad. But, He has SPECIAL promised for Isaac.
  4. dew1

    Isaac or Ismael?

    the son of Sara and Abraham; Isaac. and what's the matter? Christians believe it was Isaac, Islam believe it was Ismael though this never mentioned in the Qur'an
  5. dew1

    Ask Muslims: Who Is Your Jesus/Isa Al-Maseeh?

    sorry, was that the only error that Qur'an found in the Bible?
  6. dew1


    I found that salmon slows diabetes. but, wild salmon is not common in my hometown
  7. dew1

    Would God forgive me?

    I came from Indonesia. I want to go, but I scared
  8. dew1

    Compare the Gospel of Luke with the Qur'an

    True Genealogies of Jesus according Matt.1 starts at Abraham and goes to David, while Luke 3 starts at Adam and goes to David. Matt traced Jesus lineage through Joseph, His legal father; while Luke traced Jesus lineage through Mary(the Virgin). (Mary) LUKE David, father of (Joseph) MATTHEW...
  9. dew1

    I'm Indonesian..

    thank you canisee..:)
  10. dew1

    I'm Indonesian..

    :wave: hi Kurama.. what I'm trying to say here was, for an Arab not necessarily to be a Muslim, as we aware there are some Arabs are Christians, or pagans or etc. but its Muslim's necessity to be "like" Arab. give me some example please note that Indonesia is not Islamic country though it has...
  11. dew1

    Ask Muslims: Who Is Your Jesus/Isa Al-Maseeh?

    it was title within title.. you can see in my post #156 under my avatar there's a subtitle "about Messiah"
  12. dew1

    Ask Muslims: Who Is Your Jesus/Isa Al-Maseeh?

    ambigous oh I see Yes, that's right. It's mean that Christ meaning of "anointed one" was not only for Jesus, but there were many people who chosen by God have been anointing. this is good point sorry to trouble you. in the reply form,(I can't get you an image of it, because I can not...
  13. dew1

    Ask Muslims: Who Is Your Jesus/Isa Al-Maseeh?

    sorry for that. forget it, I don't think this conversation link to the thread anyway
  14. dew1

    Would God forgive me?

  15. dew1

    Ask Muslims: Who Is Your Jesus/Isa Al-Maseeh?

    Yes, I did. :) and now I realize, that you did not realize the meaning of "Christ" for Jesus. maybe you have nothing to do with the Son of GOD nor His cross, that's why you insisting Jesus Christ was Jesus Islam. but I read you stated: and the statement from Middle East history grad like...
  16. dew1

    Ask Muslims: Who Is Your Jesus/Isa Al-Maseeh?

    Yahweh and Elohim were gods in Canaanite religion pantheon, that's nothing extra ordinary, because They were known in Canaan. Do you remember where Abaraham dwell after he leave Urkasdim? and where Moses brought Israelites? it was Canaan, the land that YHVH had promised for them. Judges 3:7...
  17. dew1

    Ask Muslims: Who Is Your Jesus/Isa Al-Maseeh?

    I ever read in an Islam forum about this before. even muslims have the same question about the "Isa" translation that referred to Jesus, they seems do not agree one another.
  18. dew1

    Ask Muslims: Who Is Your Jesus/Isa Al-Maseeh?

    I looking forward for your further explanation about this. was that meant that Jews who not calls Ezra as the son of god were out from Islam untrue statement, and wouldn't call as "kafir"? and also about Mary whom you said devine by some heresy, did that meant other Christians were out from...
  19. dew1

    Ask Muslims: Who Is Your Jesus/Isa Al-Maseeh?

    actually, the evidence if Jesus was God is in entire of the Bible not a few :)
  20. dew1

    Ask Muslims: Who Is Your Jesus/Isa Al-Maseeh?

    I am not a muslim, may I give you an answer? as long as I aware, muslims believe that Jesus in Quran was Jesus in the Bible. But, that I don't understand is, Muhammad the prophet of Islam denied Jesus as Son of God. The strange story here is, Jesus in Islam who never died on the cross will...