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  1. concretecamper

    Understanding the Trinity

    According to this saint´s story, he was walking along the seaside meditating about the mystery of the Holy Trinity when he saw a boy filling a hole in the sand with seawater. Saint Augustine asked what he was doing and the boy answered that he was trying to empty the sea by pouring all its water...
  2. concretecamper

    I'm Catholic... and yet some non-Catholics inspire me

    His comments, when it concerns the Catholic Church normally are.
  3. concretecamper

    Offending Others

    Your original post presupposes that you understand and that you apply the scriptures correctly. I'm just asking how are you so sure you are correct.
  4. concretecamper

    Offending Others

    Have you ever considered that you may be the one misunderstanding and misapplying the scriptures? I'm not saying you are, but you could be.
  5. concretecamper

    “We are all fundamentally good ... the heart itself is good,” says Pope Francis

    I trust you know that The Pope would NEVER promote "total depravity". So I expect his comments to be at odds with it
  6. concretecamper

    “We are all fundamentally good ... the heart itself is good,” says Pope Francis

    Considering that we all are created on the image and likeness of God, I'd say we are fundamentally good. But that doesn't mean we all act good.
  7. concretecamper

    Pope Francis says conservative critics have a ‘suicidal attitude’

    In the end of the day, as St Augustine said, where Peter is, there is The Church. So a Pope may have some odd personal views, we are obligated to consider but we are not obliged to follow. Pope Francis is driven by his personal experiences as we all are. But his personal experiences are his...
  8. concretecamper

    Historicity of Mary vs significant inference -- ie not in the Bible?

    Scripture (OT and NT) was written in time to an audience. Unless you want to claim Act 17:11 is some sort of prophecy, but that would make your argument even more ridiculous.
  9. concretecamper

    Historicity of Mary vs significant inference -- ie not in the Bible?

    does everything have to be an argument with you? My only point is that Acts 17:11 can't be referring to the Bible. So to use it as a proof of SS is ridiculous.
  10. concretecamper

    Historicity of Mary vs significant inference -- ie not in the Bible?

    I'm not arguing anything. All I'm saying that it was a widely held doctrine prior to 1847.
  11. concretecamper

    Historicity of Mary vs significant inference -- ie not in the Bible?

    Both the Pope and the Bishop as a whole have the Authority to pronounce infallible doctrine. Remember, Christ promised infallibility to both Peter and the Bishops. Speaking of the Immaculate Conception, the Cathedral in Washington DC was named after Mary under the Title of Immaculate...
  12. concretecamper

    The division in the Catholic Church (Churches)

    So does the Catholic Church. Our friend @Simon_Templar is mistaken about so many things.
  13. concretecamper

    The division in the Catholic Church (Churches)

    That wasn't the question. When did I say anything about Protestants or Orthodox? Your situational ethics makes one protestant. I'm advocating for the truth, whether it offends or doesn't. You are wrong. Wrong again Wrong again. I think this is enough
  14. concretecamper

    The division in the Catholic Church (Churches)

    I asked you specifically about the Canons about justification. You appear not ready to show me where they are not clear.
  15. concretecamper

    The division in the Catholic Church (Churches)

    So let it be written, so let it be done :doh:
  16. concretecamper

    The division in the Catholic Church (Churches)

    Then stop with you irrational examples of killing.
  17. concretecamper

    The division in the Catholic Church (Churches)

    Shedding of innocent blood is ALWAYS wrong (thou shalt not kill). Keeping blurring the lines, Adam and Eve fell to blurred lines too.