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  1. C

    do you have reasons to dress modesty but not bible ones

    I always try to not judge them. I don't wear heels because I am tall for my age and don't like towering over people. I forget about jewelry all the time.
  2. C

    do you have reasons to dress modesty but not bible ones

    I actually am very shy so I don't like being noticed at all so I find ways not to be.
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    what should I do?

    Oh ya I forgot to say the crush is over(for like 6 months) and he is dating on of my friends and he is very happy.
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    do you have reasons to dress modesty but not bible ones

    never trust my icon I don't belong in one denomination so I change it all the time into the ones that I agree with. And I can see that. I am always having people be all like well God never says that we need to dress modesty it is what is on the inside. To me it is what is on the inside but you...
  5. C

    do you have reasons to dress modesty but not bible ones

    Originally when I started dressing modesty is was only for God but when you try to explain to people it is hard and I wanted to give them a reason if they don't believe in the Bible or God why it is good
  6. C

    do you have reasons to dress modesty but not bible ones

    before I started wearing only skirts and covering my shoulders I came up with reasons other than the bible verses to explain why. pants cause irritation for me not wearing pants allows better air circulation I have blemish scars and normal scars on my shoulders and I don't want to feel...
  7. C

    Why doesn't the Bible condemn slavery?

    It says after six years they should be set free unless they want to stay and then they pierce one of their ears to show that they stay. Also with the African slave trade we weren't acting like Christians because we aren't suppose to kill people and a lot of slave traders and owners did.
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    Shouldnt Christian Women wear head coverings in Public Worship?

    I think it is every person own choice if they want to or not. It is like people that have different versions of modesty or don't believe in it.
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    So what denomination are you?

    I am a mixture of like everything. I only wear skirts, cut my hair, read NIV bibles, believe that you don't need works to stay saved, no infant baptism , annd listen the secular music. I am everywhere still trying to decide what fits me best.
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    Skirts and social appeal

    I think just do whatever you feel comfortable with. I wear skirts all the time and I meet the same amount to people as if I didn't wear them. I don't think it should matter what they are waering if they really want to talk to you they won't care.
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    Calvary Chapel

    My church is a CC and we talk about gifts and encourage people that have them to use them. But mine is a non denomination that is part of the Calvary Chapel group.
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    Multiracial Christians?

    I'm African American, Native American, German, and a bunch of other things.
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    Re: what would you name your future children?

    Boy: I don't know Girl: Abilene, Alida, Sarai, or Rebekah.
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    Does anyone here sing?

    I can play the clarinet and been playing it for 4 years
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    Fav Verse from the Bible?

    mine is my signature and 1 Timothy 2:9
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    Do you highlight verses on your Bible?

    I do highlight in my bible I just got a new one so I have to highlight my favorite verses in my new one.
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    Jesus wants me for a sunbeam?

    It is for LDS (Mormons) part of their church has the little kids being in the sunbeam group.
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    What would you name your future children?

    Girl: Evanescence Alida (means little winged one) Primavera Boy Jenson Seth Peter
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    I think so too but some things I think aren't true. And they are the nicest people I have ever met.