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  1. olds8598

    Is abuse a Biblical reason for divorce?

    This morning I am working on a kernel of doubt in my faith. I haven't been here in many months. I felt the Lord put on my heart to share this previous posting. God bless. Enough is Enough
  2. olds8598

    Divorced people are the lepers of the modern American church.

    This morning I am working on a kernel of doubt in my faith. I haven't been here in many months. I felt the Lord put on my heart to share this previous posting. God bless. Enough is Enough
  3. olds8598

    Gods excruciating silence....

    Thank you. Thanks also for the Winner awards.
  4. olds8598

    I am so desperate

    Also wanted to add this. “You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” Matthew 17:20 If only we had enough...
  5. olds8598

    I am so desperate

    Hi, Alberto and welcome! :clap: I'm glad the surgery was successful. I know all too well about bills and debts (still have them), and depression and anxiety (had them both several years ago.) I would also classify myself as a very good person, a helper and respecter. I too have been...
  6. olds8598

    Enough is Enough

    Below is a very interesting view (and one which I personally agree with) concerning divorce. It is from Dena Johnson Ministries (another Christian site which helps me with my Christian walk). Author Gary Thomas wrote a book, Sacred Marriage, in which he states marriage was designed to make us...
  7. olds8598

    Gods excruciating silence....

    I also offer these wise words from Dena Johnson Ministries. “You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.”...
  8. olds8598

    Gods excruciating silence....

    Far Side Of the Moon, This is a very recent sermon at my church. It has to do with not understanding God's ways. I was at this sermon and it helps me incredibly. I hope it helps you.
  9. olds8598

    Merry Christmas

    Thank you. my friend. It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday and also are in a good place. :oldthumbsup:
  10. olds8598

    Merry Christmas

    I just wanted to wish everyone here a Merry, Christmas and Happy Holidays!:clap:
  11. olds8598

    How do I know if I'm evil , how do I know is not me thinking bad things about God

    Loved your reply (especially the OCD demons.) and your picture! :oldthumbsup::amen: I used to have a tuxedo cat too.
  12. olds8598

    How do I know if I'm evil , how do I know is not me thinking bad things about God

    There is a form of OCD called Pure O, meaning purely obsessions, no compulsions. These are obsessional thoughts which are scary, and intrusive. In 2002 I used to suffer from this. Look into a book called The Imp of the Mind by Lee Baer. This was INCREDIBLE in helping me deal with this extreme...
  13. olds8598

    I believe I have the answer to my question, “Why my marriage, God?”

    In 2012 I thought I was doing the movie version of the book. ^_^ Yes it is.
  14. olds8598

    I believe I have the answer to my question, “Why my marriage, God?”

    Yes. He uses Albuterol when needed. Thanks for asking.
  15. olds8598

    I believe I have the answer to my question, “Why my marriage, God?”

    Today I listened to a sermon from my senior pastor entitled When You Don’t Understand. It had to do with when you question God about how/where He's leading you, and why bad things happen. When I heard the title and the beginning which included Psalm 22, I felt this was tailor-made for me. Lately...
  16. olds8598

    Ex-wife wants to meet

    I could respect that. I did ask in my late summer letter why she wanted to meet. Her reply was the bratty "forget about" and "I'm getting married."
  17. olds8598

    Ex-wife wants to meet

    I am happy to report I am no longer like that screaming cat emoticon from September 29. I no longer care that I didn't reply to my ex-wife's letter. I am fine and at peace. I guess it's like that old saying "Time heals all wounds." Of course, there's always healing help from The Lord. ;)
  18. olds8598

    Ex-wife wants to meet

  19. olds8598

    Ex-wife wants to meet

    No! It looks good! It seems I could make both personal and professional connections. Thanks!