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  1. Follower3

    Stuffed Dog Prank

    Is it a hand puppet? hes lucky he didn't get bit xD
  2. Follower3

    Ukrainian Christian groups face violent crackdown from Russian forces

    I just found out about this, 27 priests were killed (probably more.) People were threatened in church during service by russian soldiers, and crosses were torn down to put up russian flags. Please pray or our believers in Christ who have been pushed out, killed, and threatened. We have no...
  3. Follower3

    Hyperlinked picture of the bible linking occurrences of verses.

    This is really cool, if someone has seen this before or knows more information let me know. All I can find is this picture, I'm assuming theres a more interactive version perhaps? The size of the colored arch shows where that verse in the bible is mentioned, or how often a thing was mentioned...
  4. Follower3


    I don't know if what I have is the same, but I have 'social anxiety' yes, try a day without coffee and see what happens, and listen to more sermons.
  5. Follower3

    Pray for sharp stabbing pains to go away

    Thank you for your prayers, I have been able to sleep without the night pain flareups. I do still however have a nerve pain if i sit, or lean towards my right leg the wrong way. No, it is not sciatica, I kind of know what that is. This is in a different location I think. I do think it is some...
  6. Follower3

    Pray for sharp stabbing pains to go away

    PLEASE continue to pray everyone, it means a lot.
  7. Follower3

    Pray for sharp stabbing pains to go away

    last night the pain was not that bad, Praise The Lord. If it's a diet thing I couldn't tell you what I did. We will see what happens tonight. This is similar to pain i had a long time ago that would kind of come and go, it had never hit me this hard this consistently before.
  8. Follower3

    Pray for sharp stabbing pains to go away

    The random stabbing pains during the day seemed to have calmed down, but I get a REALLY bad ''flare up'' about 2 hours after going to bed, might have something to do with going horizontal? I am still standing all day, although i drove a short distance the other day. Diet doesn't seem to change...
  9. Follower3

    Pray for sharp stabbing pains to go away

    It slowly got worse, now I can't even sit for 1 minute and then have a stabbing pain. I don't know if its a nerve thing, or a prostate thing or what. Please pray for healing. 2 years ago i had this pain very similarly, but it only stabbed me suddenly kind of out of no where, which it did last...
  10. Follower3

    bad experiences with previous church I went to

    True, as a single guy its like, how many times do i have to sit through a sermon on marriage? How about a sermon for the single guy? ;)
  11. Follower3

    What helps you calm down when you’re feeling stressed/anxious?

    Be careful with that speaking in tongues, sabertooth can you elaborate?
  12. Follower3

    Pray for complete, and quick healing, and removal of pain.

    It also could be pudendal nerve pain.
  13. Follower3

    Pray for complete, and quick healing, and removal of pain.

    The pain was gone a day or so, then i had a pain spike. The days after that were ok, today I am having pains come on slowly. I am rebuking them in the name of Jesus. I went almost 2 years without this problem, theres no reason for it to come back now for no [ ? ] reason? Continue to pray for...
  14. Follower3

    Pray for complete, and quick healing, and removal of pain.

    I've been doing mostly ok for a couple of years or so, but I got a very sudden, and INTENSE sharp/shooting pain. I week ago I had also my interstitial cystitis pains back after not being bothered for almost 2 years. It has been giving me problems, and i have been taking aspirin. this intense...
  15. Follower3

    Call no one fool..... except for?

    I guess Mathew 5:22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister[a][b] will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’[c] is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell. But i am pretty...
  16. Follower3

    Call no one fool..... except for?

    The bible says call no man fool, and yet fool is in the bible over 99 times. Is the ancient translation different? Is the word it uses for fool in greek/hebrew a different word for fool when it says call no man fool than it is the other 99 times it is mentioned? Does this simply mean don't call...
  17. Follower3

    Is it a sin to lend or borrow money at interest in the Bible?

    Exodus 22:25, in the NIV, makes this point clearly, “If you lend money to any of my people who is needy, do not treat it like a business deal; charge no interest.” Matthew 5:42, Jesus says, “Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.”...
  18. Follower3

    Please pray for me to stand up again

    I Pray for full healing in Jesus Name!
  19. Follower3

    Prayer for Brother and father

    Praying revvy.
  20. Follower3

    How small should I let my SINK bar soap get before throwing it away?

    Throw it away immediately, and get non scented liquid soap. Bar soaps are gross :P