Search results

  1. stevenfrancis

    Why Do Atheists Engage in Discussions with Christians?

    As Christians, we are commissioned by Christ to spread the tenets of our faith. This is a central part of our mission. However, I'm curious about the motivations of atheists who actively engage in discussions with believers. Are they driven by a similar sense of purpose, perhaps inspired by some...
  2. stevenfrancis

    I have a Very Legalistic friend

    I have no advice really for you and your anti-catholic, anti-denominational friend to come to peace and accord on these matters. Our Blessed Lord Himself prayed to the Father that we in the body of Christ be one, as He and the Father are One. Our only method of help. The only tool we have in...
  3. stevenfrancis

    If we are all sinners (and we are), how can we get into Heaven where there is "no impure thing"?

    First: Christians, if they are in fact what they profess to be, believe on Christ, and have been redeemed through Christ's blood. Having said that, we are still fallen, and will need a little spiffing up at the end. There is a purification process after death and before entering into eternal...
  4. stevenfrancis

    The Moral Wars

    I suspect that morals are fixed and objective. Various cultures manipulate the civil, secular laws, which are in their power, so that matters of personal immorality favorable to the political ends of a given government or culture are enacted, thus giving the populace/governed the illusion of...
  5. stevenfrancis

    What Qualities Do You Respect Most in Others?

    Honesty. Clarity. Calling balls and strikes. Telling the truth, and hearing and accepting the truth about things, whether they're popular or not, or frankly whether you or me "like" it or not. I'm all done with lying liars and their lying lies, and propaganda, and PC ridiculousness. I like...
  6. stevenfrancis

    Poll: Do you trust the US news media to be ethical?

    No. I don't see that changing. They would have a lot of work to do to get me back on board. In the mean time, I piece things together myself from sources such as the Daily Wire, Blaze TV, and Newsmax, and my local news stations for local issues. I used to like FNC a little, but even they've...
  7. stevenfrancis

    Virtual Choirs!

    Thank you. That's our music director's son.
  8. stevenfrancis

    Virtual Choirs!

    Our five PM ensemble was allowed to make 5 videos. St. John Neumann, North Las Vegas, NV. <iframe width="677" height="381" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="677"...
  9. stevenfrancis

    If moderate drinking isn't sinful...

    Judging from the Gospels and the life displayed by the incarnation of God among men in Jesus Christ, and coupled with other scriptures it seems likely that fine rich foods, and at least wine and ale, (not sure about distilled spirits as they don't seem to have been in use in 1st century Judea...
  10. stevenfrancis

    Pope Francis backs same-sex civil unions

    I am a Catholic Christian, and while not what some refer to as a "rad trad", I am certainly orthodox in my understanding of doctrine. I am traditional and conservative of heart and thought consistently in religion and public life. There is no doubt that our Church is in a crisis of vagueness...
  11. stevenfrancis

    Separation of the Church from Government: Good or Bad?

    My understanding is that our prohibition is from the formation of a national church, like say The Church of England, which people would feel obliged to support. The clause then goes on to provide for religious liberty. The freedom of the citizens to worship God in whatever way they understand...
  12. stevenfrancis

    Same-Sex Attraction And The Church

    It is absolutely NOT a sin to experience same sex attraction. All persons experience attractions to sinfulness. It even has a name. Concupiscense. It is the result of our fallen nature as human beings. So long as these temptations and attractions are treated as a cross, ("pick up your...
  13. stevenfrancis

    Jesus isn't Catholic

    Jesus was a Jew. He FOUNDED a Church upon His Apostles and He is the OBJECT of Christianity. They Apostles made Bishops, and via a process of Apostolic succession, the one Holy, catholic and apostolic church is still found in three groups of churches which would not be referred to as...
  14. stevenfrancis

    This is interesting

    Yikes. This smacks really hard of modernists doing something because "they can". In fact this is a problem with modernism in general. The lack of moral consideration. We are not equipped by God or nature to make such decisions. This is the kind of technological thought that leads or works...
  15. stevenfrancis

    Traditional Theology Census

    Buddhist/modernist/pagan convert to orthodox Catholic Christianity after a journey which may well one day be a book. Too much to write here. But in 2004, through an amazing series of events I began my first earnest journey into Christianity, being received into the Catholic Church (Roman/Latin...
  16. stevenfrancis

    Atheists taking Communion

    I'd say they ought to suck up whatever embarrassment they may have over not taking communion, and just not take communion, and accept a blessing from the Priest, or leave it be altogether and just stay in the pew during this time. This is for survival of not only the soul, but even one's...
  17. stevenfrancis

    No assurance of Salvation is not equal to No Salvation

    It’s not a quantitative credit and debit system where this equals such and such and that equals less or more, If we have truly accepted Christ and His grace, then we enter into His very body, We are strengthened by His body and blood which Instill spiritual life within us, God IS love...