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  1. N

    What Am I in Terms of Divorceness?

    No, if I were interested in someone, I would say I am divorced and explain my story and as time goes on, more and more learning of one another. But if someone plan out asks me? Say on this site, do I put my relationship status as divorced or single? Medical forms? Surveys about moneys when my...
  2. N

    Could God have saved my dog?

    I thought of you when I heard this song, about trusting Jesus in the storm.
  3. N

    Do You Think God Has a Sense of Humor?

    Do You Think God Has a Sense of Humor? If so, why?
  4. N

    Those men who portray Jesus

    I thought about that too a few times; about how many actors played Jesus, or Mary, Peter, etc, and if they knew anything about the people they were portraying. I know a few did most likely, especially back in the days of Ben-Hur style movies in the 1950s (one of my favs by the way, and I not...
  5. N

    Those men who portray Jesus

    Are you sure? Really.... country music was his choice? I seriously doubt that! Not country. Bleh. Not Him. No no no. I think maybe a blues, mellow guy who would switch it over to some 80s.
  6. N

    Could God have saved my dog?

    That is a good story to read. There is a reason why this happened to you. Possibly to witness to others about God's love and understanding. Some of us who had pets or related humans who were sick did not survive no matter how much praying was done by people. So consider your family blessed, and...
  7. N

    Most important to you - healthcare, immigration or the economy?

    I voted for the economy because if I was not struggling with bills and could afford my own home, then I could afford healthcare. Like, candy bars should not be more than 50c!!!! If I had more money, I could afford to live better, rather than using up five weeks of pay to pay rent every fours...
  8. N

    What Am I in Terms of Divorceness?

    I am divorced, yes, but am I also single? Do I call myself a "divorced single?" Am I a sad statistic? Am I single? Do I post in boards only for singles, only for divorced people, or post in both??? What do I classify myself as in terms of relationship status in forums, medical forms, truth or...
  9. N

    Over 7K-strong, migrant caravan pushes on

    I thought of the same thing. Yes, the majority of these humans are innocents, especially children. However, how many can be coming in to continue some drug or human trafficking on their agendas with their buddies? How many are taking advantage of the situation to get on in to get on a crime...
  10. N

    Should I cut off my Iraqi Friend?

    Maybe my opinion, but I wonder if a lot of her anger and negativity is because of the abusive husband. I too have been in an abusive relationship (on the receiving end), mainly verbally but all the rest too, so I know how it hurts and sometimes her anger made me angry at other people for no...
  11. N

    Judging someone who has divorced parents

    Definitely not. Well, 99.97% sure I would not. Not unless said person somehow got one of their parents to commit adultery or murdering a child, and therefore causing a divorce.... but that has a .03% chance of happening. I try to think of all possibilities. So, most likely no.
  12. N

    Over 7K-strong, migrant caravan pushes on

    I do not understand politics and when people say left and right, I think directions. Without looking it up, I do not know what they even are. I am just seeing this as an issue logically where we have illegals issues now in this country where some have been known to vote, get jobs, free...
  13. N

    Over 7K-strong, migrant caravan pushes on

    Oh, I never claimed Trump is either a problem or solution to this. I been seeing the illegal problem for decades before he even was a name people knew. Trump just a current person involved in it, but not the cause. I do agree about your comment about the rich people though.
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    Over 7K-strong, migrant caravan pushes on

    If they get into America, resources/jobs for American citizens will continue to be drained even more than it is now with current illegals?
  15. N

    Over 7K-strong, migrant caravan pushes on

    Over 7K-strong, migrant caravan pushes on; still far from US I see this as making our current situation in America worse for many reasons. How about you?
  16. N

    Staying away from homosexuality

    Will you speak to a faith based counselor in your area, or your pastor?
  17. N

    Trump Administration Eyes Defining Transgender Out of Existence

    Trump Administration Eyes Defining Transgender Out of Existence This is good, yes? We need a victory in the world realizing that there are only two genders at birth: male and female. Anything else is a choice out of mental sickness. When will people realize that this pan/les/bi/fluid/etc crap...
  18. N

    I Remember

    I can honestly say I never seen that product before.
  19. N

    Am I Wrong in This Thinking?

    I be the type of person to use a 3D printer to make more nunchucks in my collection (I do martial arts, so I have had hand weapons for decades). From "Star Trek" Voyager's" episode "Repression:" [Tom has created a 20th-century movie theater on the holodeck watching the movie "Return of the...
  20. N

    Strange question i cant get my head around it

    I think any human that thinks/supports anything with this gay/les crap is themselves as such in their minds and just allows other people to think it is just okay to do it. I think people need to stop supporting all this junk and these people need mental help. They say I am "homophobic." That is...