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    Could This Person Be Righteous?

    Salvation is by grace through faith. Saving faith produces a changed life of obedience to God's word by the power of the Holy Spirit and endures to the end.
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    Could This Person Be Righteous?

    What if the person was elect chosen sovereignly by God from before time began?
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    Could This Person Be Righteous?

    Could This Person Be Righteous? This person left God's perfect plan and was quarrelsome with those following God. He/she offered their children for immoral purposes and had no credibility with members of their family when they tried to point them to God's will. He/she acted as a judge...
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    Who Is the New Pope? lio-and-argentinas-dirty-war/5326675
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    Does God Love Sinners?

    2 Timothy 3:16New King James Version (NKJV) 16 All Scripture is given by *inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, *The Greek is not inspiration but is theopneustos which means expiration, to breath out. God breathed...
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    Does God Love Sinners?

    God has His elect in every nation and loves them while they are sinners. He cares for them as well as I have said above.
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    Does God Love Sinners?

    A nation is made up of individual people. God has His elect among the Jews but the number was FEW as the Bible indicates. The Bible mentions elect among nations that were condemned to hatred or total annihilation: Rahab, Ruth, the Samaritans, Naaman, the widow of Zarephath to list some.
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    Does God Love Sinners?

    The picture is God IS love and because He is that love naturally goes out to His creation in many ways the chief of which is that He sustains them even in their rebellion against Him. All experience God's goodness because of His love nature. However do NOT mistake that general love for all His...
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    Does God Love Sinners?

    Romans 9:11-13 New King James Version (NKJV) 11 (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls), 12 it was said to her, “The older shall serve the younger.”[a] 13 As it...
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    Does God Love Sinners?

    Yes, this is true. His elect were sinners. This refers to them ONLY and no one else. Jesus died savingly for the elect only who were chosen before time began. Please give scripture that shows anything else. Here is that love. Please explain to me why you believe all sinners qualify for that...
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    Does God Love Sinners?

    It is not the "unforgivable" sin and I have not said it is. Seeing it as sin, repenting, then being set free from the demonic oppression/possession of sodomy by the power of the Holy Spirit is what is necessary. Saying God approves/understands/condones/made them that way is religious nonsense.
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    Does God Love Sinners?

    What does the Bible say? No person by a free will choice will ever choose the foolishness of Christianity which the Bible clearly says: 1 Corinthians 1:23-24, John 3:19-21, John 6:37 and 65. However that there is one God is revealed in His creation as Acts 14:17 and Romans chapters 1 and 2...
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    Christian Truth or Antichrist Deception?

    A person with charisma stepped on a platform, stood behind the lectern, and gave this moving speech. Is this Christian or antichrist? Would this speech be received by Christians in America? Is a similar message already being received? "MY LORD AND SAVIOR . . . IN THE BOUNDLESS LOVE AS...
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    'Reasoned' into Faith?

    Paul simply related the gospel to what they could spiritually understand. Then He preached Christ's death, resurrection, and judgement which was NOT reasonable to MOST that heard him. Paul preached the gospel, relating it to what they could understand and did NOT BEG THEM, have a choir of...
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    'Reasoned' into Faith?

    Paul simply related the gospel to what they could spiritually understand. Then He preached Christ's death, resurrection, and judgement which was NOT reasonable to MOST that heard him. Paul preached the gospel, relating it to what they could understand and did NOT BEG THEM, have a choir of angels...
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    'Reasoned' into Faith?

    Of course a miracle is unreasonable even to many Christians. Our testimony is NOT received as normal Christianity to most.It is. Non-faith is only unreasonable to those who are born again and walking as disciples. One cannot distinguish many Christians from the reasonable world. They have the...
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    'Reasoned' into Faith?

    Reasonable meaning rational by the standards of the culture. Please find one scripture in the Bible that a sinner would see as rational or reasonable. Try talking a sinner into believing creation to show him there is really a God who means what He says. Or telling the average church member it...
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    'Reasoned' into Faith?

    They still had to hear or read what they needed to do to be saved. Believing Romans 10:9-10 is NOT reasonable and many who have seen miracles cannot believe it nor believe the below is necessary or "reasonable": Romans 12:1New King James Version (NKJV) Living Sacrifices to God12 I beseech you...
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    'Reasoned' into Faith?

    God is speaking to Jews who knew very well who God is and He is simply reminding them of exactly who He is. The unsaved could care less. There is NOTHING reasonable to them about the gospel as the scriptures given in the OP clearly show.