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  1. Pamelav

    Need Prayer for favor....

    Praying God will decide the outcome.
  2. Pamelav

    Prayers for keeping the faith, not apostasy

    Praying for the Lord keep you always. :tulip:
  3. Pamelav


  4. Pamelav

    Opportunities for witnessing

  5. Pamelav

    Original manuscripts and added.

    I'm sorry. What I meant was the earliest manuscripts. You know, for example the adulterous woman and Jesus and let he who is without sin cast the first stone. How that with several others are added because they are not on the earliest known manuscripts. So why have they decided to keep them...
  6. Pamelav

    back injury

  7. Pamelav

    Prayer request fror my Niece

    How is your neice?
  8. Pamelav

    Prayer for safety?

    Well a few times in the last year I felt the sudden need to pray for my husband's protection. I'm sure there are various ways, but I say'I pray for your divine protection Lord over my husband physically.' Also I say 'I pray for a divine hedge of protection around him.' Other times I pray it...
  9. Pamelav

    Prayer to be the best Christian possible.

    You always sound like such an intelligent guy especially for your age when you give advice/prayers, so I want to you to know that is a valuable trait that can certainly be used for God in someway or ways. I am being scourged for the last two years, as God is trying to make me holy. It's quite...
  10. Pamelav

    Original manuscripts and added.

    What's the deal with the translations adding certain scripture, then footnoting it as not in the original manuscripts?
  11. Pamelav

    How do you defend the Animal Cruelty in the Bible to skeptics?

    I just want to say, tho it is irrelevant to the questions in this post, but what was mentioned about 2000 demons. I think it was far less than that, just became a stampede really, they all started running. Sorry, but 2000 just wouldn't fit in a man.
  12. Pamelav

    1Chor. 6:12

    'All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything. ' What is your take on this? Thanks.
  13. Pamelav

    Please pray about standing up for myself and wishing evil upon others

    Praying for you. Love to you with Jesus Christ.
  14. Pamelav

    Mathews 5:21-22

    You have heard that the ancients were told, ‘YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT MURDER’ and ‘Whoever commits murder shall be liable to the court.’ 22“But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, ‘You good-for-nothing,’ shall be...
  15. Pamelav

    Dear Pentecostals/Assemblies of God

    The Lord won't let me wear jeans to church, only dress pants. Nor when I'm working in the food pantry there with the public. I do wear jeans outside of church. Maybe because my husband wants me to wear jeans, he is not following the Lord yet. I know that I can't wear a skirt to church...
  16. Pamelav

    Is it time for Donald to bow out? (MOVED)

    I guess there is going to be 8 other candidates on the ballet, but of course that would give democrats the advantage. I am not voting at all.
  17. Pamelav

    Is it time for Donald to bow out? (MOVED)

    So what is the latest news with Trump? If you don't mind me asking. Otherwise I can search for it myself. Thanks
  18. Pamelav

    My mother is driving me crazy.

    Maybe somehow try to have a heart heart conversation and tell her that you can't handle it, that she's a control freak and being overbearing/ overwelming, and you really want a car!
  19. Pamelav

    Prayer of healing.

    Praying for your healing