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  1. SavedByGrace3

    Did Christ die for the sin of unbelief ?

    I think Peter's sermon in Acts chapter 2 addresses the sin of unbelief. Acts 2:36-38 KJV 36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ. 37 Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart...
  2. SavedByGrace3

    Should a Christian own a lucky charm?

    I know of believers who had to be delivered from demonic oppression because of this sort of thing. It sometimes runs in families. It included fear and idolatry. We do not need luck or believe in omens. We have faith in the goodness and will of God.
  3. SavedByGrace3

    Where does the GOP stand on Contraception?

    We need to differentiate between contraception and birth control. Because the "morning-after pill" is considered birth control and not merely the prevention of pregnancy, many people are against it. Contraception, the prevention of the fertilization of the egg, is fine with almost everybody I...
  4. SavedByGrace3

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    Change the word "Trump" to "a politician" and that would be a fair statement.
  5. SavedByGrace3

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    And yet he is still ahead in the polls, received 200 million in contributions since the conviction, and even Democrats are saying lawfare was the wrong approach. People are siding with Trump. Don't you wonder why? And when did Democrats start caring about "immoral and unethical?"
  6. SavedByGrace3

    A-Z People of the Bible.

    Wisdom He lives with Prudence. Look it up.
  7. SavedByGrace3

    A-Z People of the Bible.

  8. SavedByGrace3

    Science and the Bible

    From a literal reading of this phrase, what would you expect to see happen? Genesis 1:11-12 KJV 11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. 12 And the earth...
  9. SavedByGrace3

    Why Do Christians Lie About What God Said in Genesis 2:17?

    The day you are born, you are surely going to die. Most likely not that day, tho.
  10. SavedByGrace3

    Why Do Christians Lie About What God Said in Genesis 2:17?

    In order to be accused and guilty of lying, one has to be aware that what he is saying is, in fact, not true. If I believe and think that a thing is true and say it, I am not lying. I am making an error, but that is not the same as lying. A cop once pulled me over for speeding, and I know I was...
  11. SavedByGrace3

    A-Z People of the Bible.

  12. SavedByGrace3

    A-Z People of the Bible.

  13. SavedByGrace3

    What is the human soul technically?

    From my studies, a soul is the union of a spirit and a body. Genesis 2:7 KJV 7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. breathed = spirit There are three elements or parts: 1 Thessalonians 5:23...
  14. SavedByGrace3

    No free lunch :) in repentance and forgiveness

    Life is a road headed for your destiny. On one side, there are thorns and thistles. On the other side, there is swamp and stench. Even so, vines and evil creatures creep out of the swamp and thorns and seek to attack. If you choose to venture to the left or the right, you are subject to the...
  15. SavedByGrace3

    Genesis 1:28 KJV Replenish the Earth.

    Those who hold to the "gap" teaching know that the earth was previously "plenished" in "the world that then was." 2 Peter 3:6 KJV 6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: After this "preadamic" flood, it had to be "replenished."
  16. SavedByGrace3

    Does God punish us for our sins?

    I believe there are forces in nature, built in from creation, that seek to preserve righteousness, reverence for God, and enact justice in creation. I would not use the word karma, but I think this built-in force of nature is recognized by many and given this label. Since the world has fallen in...
  17. SavedByGrace3

    A-Z People of the Bible.

  18. SavedByGrace3

    Trump Found Guilty

    Another million votes for Trump. People are angry. I suspect the whole thing will be thrown out by the first rational appeals court it hits. Embarrassment. This will become a nationwide election issue, and I also suspect the Democrat party will be blamed and suffer the anger of the voters.
  19. SavedByGrace3

    50 Reasons Christians Should be Prepping

    Most preppers do not talk about it. The best prepping model, I think, is a church warehouse. They also keep it hush-hush.
  20. SavedByGrace3

    What is your favorite Catholic Bible version?

    The Jerusalem Bible I got one back in 1971 and lost it. I am not Catholic, but I enjoyed that version.