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  1. musicalpilgrim

    Sorrowful yet rejoicing. Praise, Psalms, and Prayer.

    I love the Psalms, I am 80 years. but I don't feel it! Blessings
  2. musicalpilgrim

    'Be filled with the Holy Spirit'

    It has been very hot and humid today, but! I had a good walk to a nearby town. My daughter and granddaughter visited this evening. My daughter played the piano and my granddaughter asked for help with her Maths, and I could still work it out...! :)
  3. musicalpilgrim


    I pray for Princess Catherine who also has cancer.
  4. musicalpilgrim


    I pray for our King, who is undergoing treatment for cancer. Dear Father, bless him and grant your healing. Bring him into a full knowledge of your grace.
  5. musicalpilgrim


    Psalms 118:17 I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.
  6. musicalpilgrim

    Verses of Praise/Encouragement

    Psalms 119:97 O how I love thy law! It is my meditation all the day.
  7. musicalpilgrim

    living in the wilderness

    May the Lord bless you with joy in his presence as you pray and read his Word.
  8. musicalpilgrim

    Merciful weather

    I am so pleased to hear that you have been protected. We have had torrential rain for days. Praise the Lord, the wind has dropped.
  9. musicalpilgrim


    'I am the good shepherd ' The good shepherd is willing to die for his sheep. John 10:11
  10. musicalpilgrim

    My precious mom died last Friday and I feel guilt and loss are going to kill me.

    My heart goes out to you. My only thought Is to give this burden to the Lord. You cannot carry it.
  11. musicalpilgrim

    A Little Lost...

    Dear Lord bless and keep this family together in Jesus precious name
  12. musicalpilgrim

    My precious mom died last Friday and I feel guilt and loss are going to kill me.

    Give your cares to the Lord Jesus, he cares for you.
  13. musicalpilgrim

    ABCs of Things you do in life (3)

    Wet Wet, wet! it hasn't stopped raining! I am glad we live on a hill!
  14. musicalpilgrim

    Prayer for my friend whose husband left her after 30 years plus of marriage

    I pray for repentance for this man, dear Father convict him of his sin and restore him in Jesus precious name.
  15. musicalpilgrim

    Pray for my wife's healing

    I pray for your wife, dear Lord please bless and heal her in Jesus name
  16. musicalpilgrim

    Please pray for the healing of my son's ear infection

    I pray for your son's healing in Jesus name
  17. musicalpilgrim

    Pray for my dad to heal

    Oh dear, I pray for healing and restoration for your dad in Jesus precious name
  18. musicalpilgrim

    Prayer Request

    So relieved for you.
  19. musicalpilgrim

    Prayer request: My brother has cancer

    I pray for your complete healing in Jesus precious name.
  20. musicalpilgrim


    I continue in prayer for your sleep in Jesus name