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  1. JPPT1974

    JPPT's Faithful Thoughts and Devotions (3)

    JPPT1974's Tues Thoughts 6/4/2024: Esther was just a young lady Minding her own business And Mordecai her cousin was Like a big brother and father figure to her However when Haman that wanted to Rid people like her and Mordecai as Her cousin did the best to save her In not telling Haman that...
  2. JPPT1974

    JPPT's Faithful Thoughts and Devotions (3)

    JPPT1974's Mon Thoughts 6/3/2024 We could never at all Outgive God as much as In doing our best to But we can do so by Letting our bodies be healthy Not just physically, but in the Emotionally, mentally, and most of all Spiritually and not taking our bodies His temples for us for granted.
  3. JPPT1974

    JPPT's Faithful Thoughts and Devotions (3)

    However you and I Can do our best and Do what we can and Trying to exercise, eat right Rest, and trying to realize God made us and that we are Not mistakes but our bodies are His temples in using for His glory and Word and not abuse our bodies and Temples He made of us. We are not mistakes.
  4. JPPT1974

    JPPT's Faithful Thoughts and Devotions (3)

    God wants us to use our Bodies to really take Care over in them like Eat right, exercise, rest Using on the way that He saw fit for our bodies to Match with in the being God's temples Never could be perfect at all As sinners in this world.
  5. JPPT1974

    JPPT's Faithful Thoughts and Devotions (3)

    JPPT1974's Weekend Thoughts 5/31-6/2/2024: God made our bodies and Hoped that we will better Care over in our bodies Knowing that they are His Not really ours and that When we abuse our bodies it is Very bad and could bite us in the Rear in the very long run.
  6. JPPT1974

    JPPT's Faithful Thoughts and Devotions (3)

    JPPT1974's Thurs Thoughts 5/30/2023 You and I need to Take care of our bodies Our bodies are not ours But they are God's and He Made them the way that He sees fit and in the Process we need to take Care over in our bodies.
  7. JPPT1974

    JPPT's Faithful Thoughts and Devotions (3)

    JPPT1974's Wed Thoughts 5/29/2024: It is sad when people Don't regard their bodies as God's and that they sadly and Truthfully abuse their bodies with Alcohol, cigarette smoking, food, Drugs you name it and How that it has to make God really saddened and upset.
  8. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    JPPT1974's Tues Thoughts 6/4/2024: You and I know that when Something happens or a situation or Predicament does happen there Is such a saying that there Are in the two sides to every story. Hard to believe who is telling the truth and Who is lying and how that it is about Finding proof and also...
  9. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    JPPT1974's Mon Thoughts 6/3/2024: But that we need to pray for The Lord's protection and Love in order to make it through the Day for them as that the Last good bye and in the last love You could be just that, their last. Praying that they will come home in one piece and Over to their loved...
  10. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    Plus that we also realize How if one dies over in the Line of duty and that they Are like have families like Spouses, children, other parents, siblings Just to name a few and Giving of their lives so that we may Be alive and how God planned for them to Carry and wear the badge with honor.
  11. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    But now don't group everybody Who wears a badge and a gun Like corrupt and that there are Much more good cops that Do the jobs and in the Sacrificing everything to protect Our communities and in the country Whether federal, state, or local. You and I need to support those in the blue.
  12. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    JPPT1974's Weekend Thoughts 5/31-6/2/2024: Sad and very horrible in Now blasting on those who Wear the badge and gun in Looking at them as the Enemy and not as a friend Don't get me wrong there are some Rotten apples over in the Police that need to be rid of!
  13. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    JPPT1974's Thurs Thoughts 5/30/2024: Sadly we are in the Cancel culture and in Questioning why we went from Praising the police to now Criticizing as it has been Four years since what happened in Minneapolis MN and in the Rioting not really protesting as those two are Very different my friends.
  14. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    JPPT1974's Wed Thoughts 5/29/2024 Sadly that we have fallen Over in the showing both Awe and respect over in the Badge and gun like in 9/11/01 Now in the crucifying them Times and the eras here have Changed and sadly going from great to Bad to beyond worse.
  15. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    JPPT1974's Tues Thoughts 6/4/2024: We live in the United States of America but we are not Perfect by any and all means But that we are in the Land of the free and Home of the brave and Called also in the land of opportunity It is about not abusing those chances You and I have in this country.
  16. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    JPPT1974's Mon Thoughts 6/3/2024: Remember we are to go about Life and get along as Even if it is hard for You and I to do than we Give it to the Lord and He can control it as we just Can't and need to not do Remember that is why God is in control Making all things possible like that.
  17. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    When it becomes too much We are to give it all to God and that He will Take control if we allow Him even if we show a stubborn streak and Doing our best to control things You and I bit off more than we can Chew and in trying to control it Zealously before it is beyond our control.
  18. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    That is how we need to Only care and worry about Our own needs and wants Not trying to sound conceited But that when you have either a Maternal or paternal instinct you Are bound to worry about your Loved ones and your friends Especially when it comes to family.
  19. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    JPPT1974's Weekend Thoughts 5/31/2024: Jesus when He was on the Earth for three very short Years while doing the work of God the Father and in the He faced more enemies than friends Over for those that felt that He was such a threat that led to His Brutal beatings and crucifixion for Us and all...
  20. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    JPPT1974's Thurs Thoughts 5/30/2024: If we can get along You and I need to Do so in order to Make it in the world Whether they are either Enemy or foe and How that we need to Just get along regardless of Race, color, creed, even religion, Gender, you know where this is going.