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  1. B

    How would a nuclear war between Russia and the US affect you?

    That was a very good post, though the video related more to long-range ballistic weapons than to low-yield nuclear weapons. Over the past five years, the Russians have developed and released some impressive and terrifying nuclear weapons, where their low-yield weapons can easily be used against...
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    Supernatural Estacy, Manifestations & Speaking in Tongues

    Hi, being someone who has spoken in tongues for many years I can certainly say that I value the ability of having the Holy Spirit interceding to the Father in my prayers. But I would avoid using the term "supernatural ecstasy" as ecstasy implies that the person is in a form of trance, where they...
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    How would a nuclear war between Russia and the US affect you?

    The crisis in Ukraine has certainly sent numerous shock waves throughout the world, impacting not only Ukraine itself but also the global community. If the US had not pushed for the revolution in Ukraine, we most likely would have seen the Ukrainians themselves deciding if they wanted to move...
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    Russia opens up new front with major ground assault near Ukraine’s second-largest city

    Sadly, as we enter a new age of warfare, we are forced to reconsider the unintended consequences of contemporary military action. A2/AD Systems and Technology Workshop 2024 | MIT Lincoln Laboratory Social Antiaccess/Area-Denial (Social A2/AD)...
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    How would a nuclear war between Russia and the US affect you?

    We will have to agree to disagree on several points. Your use of “international law” is a term that I always find interesting in that I have never come across such law. In reality, it usually just refers to the commercial rules that the US demands that the rest of the rule abides by, at least...
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    How would a nuclear war between Russia and the US affect you?

    At this point in time, maybe for a decade, Russia far outguns US/NATO forces when it comes to low-yield battlefield-grade nuclear weapons, which can not only be used against army groups but also against carrier battle groups. Due to the implementation by Russia of their Poseidon nuclear...
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    Russia is ready to “swallow” Europe whole?

    You should find the following animation interesting that shows how the European boundaries have changed over the centuries. Many would be surprised that Poland did not exist from around 1790 up until 1920.
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    Russia is ready to “swallow” Europe whole?

    Oddly enough, just before WW2 commenced, Poland was not exactly neutral in that along with Germany it also invaded a portion of Czechoslovakia as did Hungary.
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    Russia is ready to “swallow” Europe whole?

    I agree with you in that both Germany and Soviet Russia maintained many trade links right up until Germany invaded Russia. In another post, I also referred to how under the Germain Weimar Republic that Russia trained post-WW1 German tank crews on Russian soil, which Hitler quickly stopped once...
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    Russia is ready to “swallow” Europe whole?

    What Germany and Soviet Russia agreed to was known as the German-Soviet Non-aggression Pact also knows as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact which is what enemies agree to, it is not the same as being allies.
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    Russia is ready to “swallow” Europe whole?

    Of interest, is that Soviet Russia wanted more than to regain a portion of their old territory of Poland, as the Soviets also wanted to seize the three Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, along with portions of Romania. As to the agreement between Germany and Russia, this was not a...
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    Russia is ready to “swallow” Europe whole?

    I agree with you! What I was originally pointing out to Nithavela was that the decision by Soviet Russia to invade and re-annexe Poland was not the start of WW2, which had started about 12 days earlier. In addition, at no time were Germany and Russia considered to be allies.
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    Russia is ready to “swallow” Europe whole?

    The Pact with Germany was made about 140 years after Catherine II the Great annexed Poland, at least I think that it was during her rule. It should be pointed out that before Soviet Russia annexed the eastern portion of Poland, both Poland and Hungary joined Germany in attacking and annexing...
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    Russia is ready to “swallow” Europe whole?

    To correct your understanding of the start of WW2, the United Kingdom declared war on Germany on 3rd September 1939, which was two days after Germany invaded Poland. On the same day, France also declared war on Germany. As for the Soviet Union, they invaded Poland from the east on 17th September...
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    Russia is ready to “swallow” Europe whole?

    Your comment surprises me as many within the US military and defence industry have raised their concerns within a number of US Congressional hearings: “ . . .Before we begin, I believe it is useful to revisit the history of...
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    IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES?: Public Opinion Shifts on Ukraine-Russia, Israel-Hamas Wars

    When we speak of a unipolar world as against a multipolar world order, where most globalists support a unipolar world structure that is based on US hegemony, then as an Australian, I would be inclined to accept that most grassroots US and Australian Christians would either openly support such...
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    Russia says deeper U.S. hybrid war using Ukraine will end in Vietnam-style humiliation

    Even though Russia was humiliated by the withdrawal of their troops from Afghanistan, the two governments of Russia and Afghanistan maintained cordial relations for a further four years, which is in stark difference to how US forces were forced by the Taliban to leave hastily; before the US...
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    IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES?: Public Opinion Shifts on Ukraine-Russia, Israel-Hamas Wars

    It could be that attributing Zelensky’s increasingly erratic and genocidal behaviour as a form of madness could be hiding that he is simply an evil and degenerate individual. When Zelensky first came to prominence within the West, he was loudly proclaiming that he wanted to reconcile with the...
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    How would a nuclear war between Russia and the US affect you?

    Having viewed some US Senate enquiries that address the things that we are discussing, I am of the growing opinion that I doubt whether our so-called government and military experts possess any real superior knowledge above what even a serious amateur observer has regarding the potential outcome...
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    IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES?: Public Opinion Shifts on Ukraine-Russia, Israel-Hamas Wars

    As the madman Zelensky and his Western backers do not want to see a peaceful resolution to this very sad conflict, this means that a negotiated peace will probably never be realised. Russia certainly attempted to reconcile the two Donbass regions with the post-rebel government of Ukraine, but...