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  1. Lianthe

    Am I being taken advantage of

    I guess my first thread was deleted. I just want to know if it would be sinful to have my sister removed from my apartment. She tells me she's leaving and doesn't, won't clean and stopped giving me money. Do I turn the other cheek?
  2. Lianthe

    How to handle being taken advantage of

    I guess my first thread was deleted. I just want to know if it would be sinful to have my sister removed from my apartment since she's not paying or helping.
  3. Lianthe

    I Think I'm Starting to Dislike Women

    Well, if it helps, men are pretty shallow and lame as well - most seem to want young, thin, blondes... and then cheat on them. Carry on.
  4. Lianthe

    Randomosityyy!! (9)

  5. Lianthe

    Randomosityyy!! (9)

  6. Lianthe

    Fresh start word association :)

  7. Lianthe

    Angry and wanting to.backslide

    Praying for the same boat, be strong. Compromising yourself is not worth the pain later on.
  8. Lianthe

    Word Association Game (25)

  9. Lianthe

    The Secret Thread (2)

    H,tic! Wngtas? Iuwnbto!
  10. Lianthe

    What's the weather like where you are? (8)

    lousy, snow off-and-on and cold yesterday in NJ...even though we have had some unseasonably warm days flirting with 60 this winter...wish it would have stayed that way, lol
  11. Lianthe

    Anyone plan on watching The Bible on the History Channel?

    I think I'll leave these here: Fighting for the Faith: Theological Errors of the History Channel's Miniseries "The Bible" - PT 1 Fighting for the Faith: Theological Errors of the History Channel's Miniseries "The Bible" - PT 2
  12. Lianthe

    DARE you to NOT celebrate Valentines Day

    As far as I'm concerned, the only guy who celebrated it correctly was Al Capone.
  13. Lianthe

    Stuck in northern NJ without a car...

    Sorry about the delay.. Not really...let's just say I don't have much in common with the people I work with. As far as family, they're happy where they are.
  14. Lianthe

    Stuck in northern NJ without a car...

    Hi there and thank you :) I'm on the East Orange/Orange border.
  15. Lianthe

    Stuck in northern NJ without a car... I'm stuck between COGIC, word-of-faith nonsense and praise-dancing for 45 minutes. I didn't want to admit to myself, but the church I attend now is an ecumenical joke with a pastor who has a major fear of the Gospel scaring away members. * It seems finding a diverse church that teaches...
  16. Lianthe

    Post pictures of people who you think are good looking

    Cute + funny + weird:
  17. Lianthe

    Words That End in "Y" (3)
