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  1. Foghorn

    Hello again

    Well, I hope I didn't sound rude. Look forward to talking with you.
  2. Foghorn

    Hello again

    Lol, I took a chance. After all these years I really only use a few passwords
  3. Foghorn

    Hello again

    Thank you
  4. Foghorn

    Hello again

    Thanks for the welcome
  5. Foghorn

    PSA, an essential Christian doctrine.

    Just ordinary Christian’s. Do you not think Calvinist are Christian’s?
  6. Foghorn

    PSA, an essential Christian doctrine.

    I’ll continue tomorrow, need to hit the hay. Thanks for contributing. And I’d appreciate if we stick to the topic. Asking if I believe someone is saved or not? What other theories. Be specific if you want an answer to that. Good grief.
  7. Foghorn

    PSA, an essential Christian doctrine.

    What's up with Calvin? Do you have a reason to bring him up? I know a lot of people who are obsessed with the guy, I hope you are not one. Do you realize how synergists kept a lot of Rome?
  8. Foghorn

    PSA, an essential Christian doctrine.

    I'm not interested. You're not an authority, and surely not my teacher. So, I have no desire to work from that. That's your work, not mine. But thanks If you feel the urge to interject parts here and there, please do.
  9. Foghorn

    PSA, an essential Christian doctrine.

    Do you realize just how much truth the RCC denies?
  10. Foghorn

    PSA, an essential Christian doctrine.

    But I am. You see, your mentioning names, it's all part. Apparently you arent aware of that
  11. Foghorn

    PSA, an essential Christian doctrine.

    Nice. I wish I know how to break it up in quotes. I tried.
  12. Foghorn

    PSA, an essential Christian doctrine.

    Wow, huge copy and paste. Do you just want to flood as if you know it all or are you willing to discuss certain parts? I can do the same thing, flood with copy and paste and what good will it be? If you not interested in discussing this, just say so.
  13. Foghorn

    PSA, an essential Christian doctrine.

    Because the doctrine wasn't called PSA until later, many believe it is unbiblical. That's just a cheap cop-out and denial of the truth. The early church fathers wrote a lot about this, they named it something different and discussed parts of it. If anyone would like, I can search and post some.
  14. Foghorn

    PSA, an essential Christian doctrine.

    Am I understanding you correctly? You agree with PSA?
  15. Foghorn

    PSA, an essential Christian doctrine.

    Isaiah 53:5--6, 5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the...
  16. Foghorn

    PSA, an essential Christian doctrine.

    You know better than that. You may change your mind when going through scripture.
  17. Foghorn

    Faith is the first conscience exercise of the renewed soul, and the act of regeneration.

    It may be the way I worded it but I think you're agreeing.
  18. Foghorn

    PSA, an essential Christian doctrine.

    It is your opinion. Don’t have time now, I’ll be back later. Thanks
  19. Foghorn

    Watch a “Calvinist” preach the Gospel of Grace:

    I’d say you’re right on point.