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  1. M

    I think there is a big difference

    So then what is it about Yeshua's death that the Jew must believe on? Is it for redemption reasons? Yeshua was a first century Jew who followed Torah. Why shouldn't the Jew just follow his example by being Torah observant?
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    I think there is a big difference

    Pertaining to belief only, excluding the outcomes such as following Christianity or keeping Torah, what would be the difference between a Jew believing in Jesus as opposed to a Jew believing in Yeshua? Don't both beliefs hold that Jesus or Yeshua had to die in order to atone and redeem their...
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    Biden gives Jews "credit"

    You are in pretty good company with the homophobic barbarians in Muslim countries and their zero tolerance level for homosexuality. They too will quote their prophet Muhammed, "If you find anyone doing as Lot's people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done." Secularism is...
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    Biden gives Jews "credit"

    If by perverted and wrong you are speaking about homosexuality you might want to reconsider just how many Gay individuals actually do believe in the bible and your God as well. Times have changed and with it should come the transitions in how people view the Gay community along with those...
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    Biden gives Jews "credit"

    YouTube Pulls Rabbi's Video As Hate Speech -
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    Biden gives Jews "credit"

    I think he comes off as a religious fanatic, (even insane) very capable of working a crowd and stirring up emotion with religious dogma. In this youtube Anti-gay rally: Jews for Morality founder Rabbi Yehuda Levin - YouTube he is calling for the Catholics, Muslims and other like minded...
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    Biden gives Jews "credit"

    I am not a religious individual, nor a supporter of Biden since it appears most of the time he opens his mouth it is generally to insert his own foot, but would ask if you might find this comment from the Orthodox Rabbi over-reactionary? But how much different is this call "to counter the...
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    Noahide laws

    With atheism becoming an increasingly growing phenomenon not only within the U.S. but the UK, many of us would take exception to a commandment prohibiting blasephemy or the taking of the Lords name in vain. This is not only undemocratic but runs contrary to free speech, more along the line of...
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    Same Sex Marriage

    Hello Yonah, It has been awhile since visiting this forum, and after reading some of the back and forth of the discussion would like to chime in with my own experience on the thinking of why Christians/Messianics oppose gay marriage. As an Evangelical Christian I had always believed that the God...
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    Non-Messianic Posters

    Already have and decided he was not the savior and messiah, the same can be said for the Jewish people who also do not believe that he is their messiah. All I am saying is that it should not be something that is assumed or expected to be understood by all.
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    Non-Messianic Posters

    Well I noticed my question wasn't answered, but found it to be (to say the least) very assuming. Perhaps they (Christians, Messianics) one day will recognize that the Jews do not see Jesus/Yeshua as their savior/messiah and maybe they will realize that although the Jewish people are looking for...
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    Non-Messianic Posters

    I realize this comment was for Chavak but was somewhat surprised to see this statement in a Messianic forum. Is this a standard belief among Messianics that the Jews are "yet" to discover their savior and messiah in the person of Jesus/Yeshua? Would you be referring specifically to Romans 11...
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    Blah! Confounded NIV!

    Just curious, what exactly will be resurrected if not a body containing a consciousness of some sort? How might thought be excluded from this process since the resurrection according to Christianity will involve judgement, life for those who believe and obey, and damnation for the rest. What...
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    More than an opinion it is an oddity. Why would a non-Jew take part in a Jewish book such as the Talmud?
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    Liberal Judaism?

    Hello Sacerdote, While I agree with the rest of your post on how couples may make impetuous decisions while being in love, i.e. (overlooking religious differences when they should not), which can often end up in divorce on account of how to raise the children, I do not see how a marriage would...
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    Liberal Judaism?

    Agreed. :)
  17. M

    Liberal Judaism?

    While I agree that politically speaking the Judeo-Christian viewpoint of its support for Israel is a good thing, a marriage is quite different. With a marriage how would it be possible to resonate the two and raise children without totally confusing them? One would say you do not need...
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    Has any seen "Forgotten People"?

    Even as an Atheist I would agree and understand that crossnote, for the two topics have nothing in common.
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    Staff and Member discussion thread.

    Hi Pat, As an observer from the outside would you mind explaining to me what one is being saved from? What is the Messianic perspective of salvation, or would it be the same as the view of salvation within mainstream Christianity? Thank you
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    Has anyone here tried

    Hey guys, Just wanted to say I had signed up for the eteacher course a few years back to further my listening skills in Hebrew, and received their materials thru the mail such as books and the headset but because of problems with my computer and communication it was not working out for us. They...