Search results

  1. C

    What Bible translation(s) do you prefer?

    I like the NASB.
  2. C

    Any John Denver fans?

    I love his music. It is great music for at the office.
  3. C

    NFL off-season News (5)

    I agree. He has been getting away with too much imo.
  4. C

    What bible translation do you prefer?

    New American Standard Bible (NASB)
  5. C

    Why I'm non-denominational

    I could not have said it better.
  6. C

    Why acappella only?

    Instruments doesn't bother me for the most part. I am a CoC member and I visit CoC's that use a piano frequently. My home CoC doesn't use instruments. It just isn't a big deal for me. I know for some it is. However, I will admit that a congregation singing without the use of instruments is a...
  7. C

    Why no music in the church of Christ?

    The Churches of Christ sing. Many in the Churches of Christ believe that God clearly did not authorize the use of instruments in a worship setting. They believe in singing acapella only while in a worship service. I am a member of the Church of Christ. However, I regularly visit a CoC with a...
  8. C

    Any John Denver fans?

    Blood tests indicate that Denver had no alcohol or drugs in his system. His plane crashed in the Pacific Ocean, approximately 150 feet from shore. The probable cause of the accident was when Denver attempted to switch his fuel gauge (which was behind him), his foot pushed the rudder down and...
  9. C

    Any John Denver fans?

    I have really been getting into his music recently. It is a shame he still isn't around.
  10. C

    I can't believe it - a Christian site with Bluegrass!

    I have been getting more and more into Bluegrass.
  11. C

    Looking for a Church that does not come down on mutual submission in marriage

    You are correct. My apologies Boidae. Good Luck on your search.
  12. C

    Looking for a Church that does not come down on mutual submission in marriage

    You keep mentioning Ephesians 5:21. Did you continue reading to Ephesians 5:22-24? "22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church...
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    Alan Jackson's Precious Memories I & II

    These are two awesome albums. I highly recommend if you are looking for some hymns with a little old school country sound. I bought both albums and love them.
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    So I Got A Banjo...

    Gotta love the sound of a Banjo. Good Luck!
  15. C

    How does one join?

    How do you join this faith group? I attend the Church of Christ and this is exactly my(our) beliefs.
  16. C

    Is the RFID Chip the Mark of the Beast?

    I agree with this post and was going to post something similar.
  17. C

    Anyone like Hank Williams Snr?

    Hank Sr. is awesome!
  18. C

    Classic Country

    Johnny Cash Waylon Jennings Hank Williams Jr. George Strait Willie Nelson Charlie Daniels Merle Haggard
  19. C

    What song made an impact on your life?

    Michael English - In Christ Alone