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  1. J

    What is marriage?

    Im glad someone finally gets this lol. Thank you by the way. This actually made me feel better about mankind. (im really losing faith in mankind. Even more lately. At least there are some good people out there.)
  2. J

    What is marriage?

    It is better to marry than to burn with passionThis basically means marry so that you can have sex. It is better to marry than to be very horny and lustful. Also marriage hasnt always been legal or even had a ceremony so what of that. Technically marriage originally consisted of a man giving a...
  3. J

    What is marriage?

    Thank you.
  4. J

    What is marriage?

    Sex before a marriage ceremony really a sin, or is it sex when you are not in love with the person. I see alot of people saying that sex before marriage is horrible, but what is true marriage? Are you saying that because my fiance and i are waiting until after we are done college to get...
  5. J

    Do Economic Benefits Make Legalizing Cannabis More Ethical?

    the reason why it was banned in the first place is hilarious. Cotton farmers had to compete with hemp farmers. The cotton farmers had more sway in government and teamed up with tobacco farmers(who also had to compete with the byproduct[pot]) who also had their hands ing govt. they then proceded...
  6. J

    My boyfriend gets aroused every time we talk!

    As a guy, i would like to say that the little fellow down stairs can have a mind of its own. It is very hard not to get aroused sometimes because of the fact that it is more of a subconcious reaction, like breathing. Sure you can control it sometimes but most of the time it just happens...
  7. J

    Gay theology (i.e. Mel White, Soulforce) why even try?

    but being a homosexual doesnt mean that you are damned forever like some people believe. Plus in refference to Satan, couldnt it be possible that God created him for the purpose of falling. God has a plan for everything, everything is already written out. Without evil there can be no good so...
  8. J

    Now im really confused

    Isn't "Judge not, lest you be judged" still in the bible. and didnt Jesus say "He who is without sin cast the first stone." Hating and discriminating against a group of people is very wrong and is even worst when you do it in Jesus's name. Just because someone is a homosexual doesnt mean that...
  9. J

    I Sinned But Dont Feel Bad - So Confused

    You do not feel bad because you are forgiven. There is nothing wrong with you. I wouldnt let it bother you. Just remember that the one main thing about Christianity is LOVE.
  10. J

    My Concerns With My Feelings Of Homosexuality

    I would like to post something. (and probably get deleted though I hope not, but if i do, meh) I would just like to say that even if you are a Homosexual, God and Jesus still loves you. They have not abandoned you. Also if this post is deleted, please tell me why. (also i would like to point out...
  11. J

    Newly released Christian book.

    Hi, my name is Alex Lowmaster Im just posting to let you know that my father has finished and published his first Christian book titled "Prosperity Code." It is available at Amazon (the link is unpostable because i only have 4 posts) just go there and search for "Prosperity Code" Unfourtunatly...
  12. J

    Evolution supported by Bible

    k cool. thanks for clearing that up. BTW i didnt seem to sound mad or angry or anyting. (im not)
  13. J

    Evolution supported by Bible

    1)what is a YeC and what is a TE 2) i see where you are coming from but the man being made in a day is NOT a 24 hour day. God's day is much longer than our day. There is a time difference between what God sees as a day and what we see as a day. (Heaven doesnt revolve around the sun like the...
  14. J

    Evolution supported by Bible

    in Genesis God created Adam twice. There are two seperate instances of Adam being created. And for the second statement. What about the dinosaurs. Alot of the bible is symbolism, that is why it is so good. You have to read it and inturpret things, like a puzzle. Not all things are meant to be...
  15. J

    Evolution supported by Bible

    Ok, before you consider me a heretic or start flipping out, hear me out. My dad is a bible scholar and i enjoy reading the bible and picking out symbolisms and things that support my theory. (God is actually a writer and that we are the random people in his book.) Now yesterday I was talking to...