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  1. GoldenKingGaze

    Faster than light approaches and impact?

    From ChatGPT: In space, when two objects approach each other at high velocities, the relative speed at which they approach is not simply the sum of their individual speeds. Instead, we need to use the principles of special relativity to calculate the relative velocity. When dealing with...
  2. GoldenKingGaze

    Faster than light approaches and impact?

    Considering that by chance perhaps with a swing around different galaxies, two free planets are moving towards each other at 30% and 80% light speed, the total is more than 100% and matter cannot naturally exceed light speed. What would happen around impact? In time and energy, would one planet...
  3. GoldenKingGaze

    Neale Donald Walshe and his Revelation of God?

    Has anyone read Neale Donald Walshe and of his revelation of God, so is it the same God as the Holy Spirit? Is God revealing Himself apart from the Bible and church history? Or is this fake or a deceiving spirit?
  4. GoldenKingGaze

    Is It Wrong to Feel electric-tingling of the Holy Spirit?

    God is almighty, omnipotent and was able to raise up Abraham and raise Jesus from the dead. He creates each person. Billions today. He can do anything, He can reveal Himself or reveal scripture. Bearing in mind how bad some people's interpretations of the Bible have been in history, with the...
  5. GoldenKingGaze

    The things and entities worth the most in life, in the past and present and future?

    I think evaluating what things are worth is important. From worthship comes the word worship. We only worship God, not Heaven or angels, or governors or idols. Not the Prophets or temples or gold.... Yet precious gems are worth a lot. I think they have good qualities, as does Gold and Silver...
  6. GoldenKingGaze

    Is It Wrong to Feel electric-tingling of the Holy Spirit?

    In Joel we read, God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh. The tingling is looked upon a lot to ask, what is the fruit of this out pouring? People say they are more in love with God, or they can heal the sick...
  7. GoldenKingGaze

    Is It Wrong to Feel electric-tingling of the Holy Spirit?

    The NT is a summary, and does not mention the manifestations of the Holy Spirit and "decently and in order" is not correctly understood as from the Roman Catholic times and after. It is about enthusiastic people prophesying one at a time. Even in the great awakenings, wording of events was...
  8. GoldenKingGaze

    How do you explain the existence of evil, despite God being almighty, and all knowing, and perfect love?

    Some ask why the angels do not preach? And Calvinists say God's grace is marvelous in that it can lift you from sin, regardless of your nature or choice, at the same time, it is your choice. Arminians and myself a bit different, following NDE accounts, I think salvation slowly makes us perfectly...
  9. GoldenKingGaze

    How do you explain the existence of evil, despite God being almighty, and all knowing, and perfect love?

    Looking at the angels as the root of the free choice of evil, how does that fit in with your theodicy? The fallen angels met Hell, they did not know of that, perhaps they could eventually repent? Why cannot God change all the people in the world overnight with tremendous grace, and the holy...
  10. GoldenKingGaze

    Angelology and Pneumatology Tied?

    I read of Roger Williams a US founding father, that he was displeased with the Quakers short Christology. It is a benefit to have expansive operating theology. Pneumatology is also too short compared with Christology... Angelology should be thorough. Old angelology may contain limits placed to...
  11. GoldenKingGaze

    Angelology and Pneumatology Tied?

    What about the infilling of holy angels with the Spirit of God, and to prophesy, and give people commissioning grace or strengthening, or apply healing...?
  12. GoldenKingGaze

    Angelology and Pneumatology Tied?

    I think a lady called Suzanne Seymour described seeing the hand of God in her NDE as a golden mountain.
  13. GoldenKingGaze

    How do you explain the existence of evil, despite God being almighty, and all knowing, and perfect love?

    By souls I meant, those in Hell and who will be after the time Satan is thrown into the lake of fire by Michael.
  14. GoldenKingGaze

    How do you explain the existence of evil, despite God being almighty, and all knowing, and perfect love?

    How do you forum posters explain that evil exists despite God being, all powerful, all knowing and all love? Why does God permit or create evil? Or did God not want it for anything? Is evil and illusion? Why did Jesus create the situation of the crucifixion and go through that? Why does the...
  15. GoldenKingGaze

    Discussion I am now doubtful , about my salvation.

    I was raised Catholic and my Pentecostal father pressed me to think positive and disciplined me to repent, my family was praying for me... I hated my life as a sinner, then I was given a medication and thought I was going to and turned to God asking for life and mercy. After days, I repented...
  16. GoldenKingGaze

    Discussion Changed in the twinkling of an eye?

    The OP passage seems to only mention the body. It would be hard to live until Christ returns I agree, they need the power of His blood... The blood of Jesus also sanctifies. Normally people are changed over time, even in paradise, and on judgment day, Jesus mentions the parable of the workers...
  17. GoldenKingGaze

    Pet Reincarnated?

    People have seen their old pets alive and well, young, running around in paradise in NDEs.
  18. GoldenKingGaze

    Discussion Matthew 8:16 Jesus and the healed paralytic were house owners.

    I think I heard from a preaching back in 1992 from Fr E Tardiff MSC, that if they were permitted to open the roof above Jesus, and damage the house, that it must have been Jesus house. I agree He did not own all the houses He slept in.
  19. GoldenKingGaze

    Discussion Matthew 8:16 Jesus and the healed paralytic were house owners.

    Jesus must have had somewhere to lay his head as a boy, and unless He did not sleep, He had somewhere to sleep. His head rested. He didn't literally have no where to rest His head. According Moses' law, with the year of Jubilee, each Hebrew inherited land. Unless He sold His land, mud house and...
  20. GoldenKingGaze

    Isaiah 9:6 Father of Eternity or Eternal Father?

    This is not clear Peacemaker1, I asked about interpretations, for the best, and about the title "Father".