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  1. Vambram

    Why Trump’s Fiercest Critics Say His Conviction Is a Sham

    We shall have to wait and see.
  2. Vambram

    European elections strongly back the Right - Several large countries remove left leaders Yet when voters outwardly reject their asinine agenda and candidates at the ballot box, these “defenders of democracy” sing an entirely different tune. Such is the case following...
  3. Vambram

    Why Trump’s Fiercest Critics Say His Conviction Is a Sham

    A sham of a trial that with a conviction that shall be overturned on appeal.
  4. Vambram

    ‘This Was an Abomination’: Former AG Barr Predicts Trump Conviction Will Be Overruled

    Your conclusions about Barr are the same conclusions I have concerning Merrick Garland and his covering up the crimes of the Biden family left and right.
  5. Vambram

    ‘This Was an Abomination’: Former AG Barr Predicts Trump Conviction Will Be Overruled

    You could deny the truth and the reality of what has happened. But, then you would be the one who is living in denial.
  6. Vambram

    Johnson on Biden’s Mental Decline: ‘I Will Submit to a Polygraph’ if Anyone Doubts My Interactions

    It isn't propaganda when the truth is being written and spoken.
  7. Vambram

    ‘This Was an Abomination’: Former AG Barr Predicts Trump Conviction Will Be Overruled

    Was Hillary ever brought to account for her crimes? No, she was not. Remind me again which political party has been using lawfare and weaponization of the justice system to target political opponents over the last 3 years? Oh yes, that's right. It is the Democratic Party.
  8. Vambram

    Johnson on Biden’s Mental Decline: ‘I Will Submit to a Polygraph’ if Anyone Doubts My Interactions There is a splendid, although now largely debunked, myth that Grigory Potemkin, a former lover and official in the service of Russian Empress Catherine the Great, constructed a series of lovely...
  9. Vambram

    ‘This Was an Abomination’: Former AG Barr Predicts Trump Conviction Will Be Overruled

    The politicians who really lack all kinds of credibility are the ones responsible for the lawfare and the weaponization of the justice system.
  10. Vambram

    ‘This Was an Abomination’: Former AG Barr Predicts Trump Conviction Will Be Overruled The nation’s former top prosecutor is weighing in on the landmark Trump conviction, predicting the trial’s verdict will be overruled on appeal. Former U.S. Attorney General Bill...
  11. Vambram

    Johnson on Biden’s Mental Decline: ‘I Will Submit to a Polygraph’ if Anyone Doubts My Interactions It’s a “big news story,” Johnson admitted. “The Wall Street Journal reporters interviewed, I think, around 50 people — Republicans and Democrats — about the...
  12. Vambram

    COVID Select Subcommittee Releases Dr. Fauci’s Transcript, Highlights Key Takeaways in New Memo

    He did a lot more than simply make mistakes. He was making stuff up and making up restrictions that had no basis in actual data.
  13. Vambram

    COVID Select Subcommittee Releases Dr. Fauci’s Transcript, Highlights Key Takeaways in New Memo
  14. Vambram

    Why Trump’s Fiercest Critics Say His Conviction Is a Sham

    History will show who is right and who is incorrect.
  15. Vambram

    Why Trump’s Fiercest Critics Say His Conviction Is a Sham

    The evidence has been presented multiple times to the Congressional committees. However, the efforts to impeach Joe Biden fell apart because everyone knows that the Democratic Party would NEVER ever impeach Joe Biden.
  16. Vambram

    Is It Ever Appropriate to Say “God Did It” in Response to a Scientific Challenge?

    Psalms 111:2 His works of creation are great, being made out of nothing, are the effects of great power, and the produce of great wisdom, and which greatly display the glory of their Creator. The works of the Lord God are great, which He does daily, especially such as concern the church and...
  17. Vambram

    Why Trump’s Fiercest Critics Say His Conviction Is a Sham
  18. Vambram

    ABC anchor shows his true colors when Trump attorney points out inconvenient fact about Trump prosecutor: 'In front of you'

    My opinion would be based upon the provable veracity of what the man said.
  19. Vambram

    Is It Ever Appropriate to Say “God Did It” in Response to a Scientific Challenge? When a naturalist encounters a scientific challenge he cannot explain naturally, he cannot claim a supernatural explanation to his problem without contradicting his belief in naturalism. Having examined sufficient evidence to be...