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  1. Philothei

    The Chat With Staff Coffee House.... (2)

    Guys does the link work if I want to pay to become a supporter?
  2. Philothei

    I'm scared of thunderstorms

    Prayers for you Christiannewbie!
  3. Philothei

    The Arabic "nun" - supporting our Christian brothers and sisters

    Mod hat on Just to let you know that some of your posts were deleted as part of thread clean up! They were off topic to the OP. Please try not to derail :) Thanks! If you have questions about your posts pls pm me Mod hat off
  4. Philothei

    St. Euphrosynos Taverna and Ouzeri 44 (5)

    :D a pudding lover???? just joking! Yeah that would make me upset for you are not a Russian hehe! And no we do not want put food posts to scandalize you ;) on purpose :P:blush:
  5. Philothei

    St. Euphrosynos Taverna and Ouzeri 44 (5)

    Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Pensacola, Florida this it? it is a combination of kantaifi and the custard (galaktomboureko) I think I have never had this one but sure sounds and looks yum :) Good night Kylissa got to get up early tomorrow -Thanks for sharing :D
  6. Philothei

    Prayers needed.

    Lord have mercy!!! EC hang in there "this too will pass"! Stay positive and stay with God. Nothing is worth loosing that "relationship"! And bottom line that is what matters most!
  7. Philothei

    How to return to Orthodoxy

    what he said:D and :hug::clap: welcome back :) :liturgy::liturgy:
  8. Philothei

    St. Euphrosynos Taverna and Ouzeri 44 (5)

    Hey all :) Hello to all of you !! Have not been on Ephrosynos for ages! Talking about busy time...Mine is truly getting to be terrible. Working almost over 40 hours next week baby sitting! God help me!!1 Anyhow I enjoy the change of pace and hopefully I will survive this change as always...
  9. Philothei

    When "The Church" became catholic.

    Mod hat on Folks please ease off with the attacks here! Just post ABOUT the issue at hand not each other ok? Thanks! :) Mod hat off
  10. Philothei

    Pope makes emotional plea for peace

    Mod hat on This thread was cleaned from Off topic/personal attacks etc. posts three times. If this will keep up we will have to close it down. This is a congregational forum so please if you are not RC do not debate!! Also no personal questioning others about "what/who" there are pms for such...
  11. Philothei

    The Immaculate Conception contradicts the gospel

    Mod hat on There was a thread clean up! Avoid flaming each other/ deal with the issue at hand NOT each other! Some posts were deleted; if you have questions you an pm me Thanks! Mod hat off
  12. Philothei

    Christian programs that sell out to Republicans

    Mod hat on Thread was moved to the American Politics forum American Politics Forum THREAD Mod hat off
  13. Philothei

    Authority and the Church

    Closed for review
  14. Philothei

    What brought you to CF?

    Life is that way... It takes me some time to come on CF too even if I am staff... It happens! Many blessings to you Lunalinda :groupray: Hey Keith I have seen you around. You are right to say that some are indeed annoying etc. that is human nature and one needs to work with oneself to change...
  15. Philothei

    What brought you to CF?

    Stan it was the same to me with the google ;) Speculative glad you did not give up on Christianity! :clap:
  16. Philothei

    OT: A rant (long-ish).

    I feel for you EC I hate to admit it but even in seminaries there is that discrimination....Hang in there! I think that conscious folks do exist that do not agree with this type of treatment! You are right we should look out for loneliness for folks who live alone and have no family... in our...
  17. Philothei

    Is Obama Presidency Over?

    MOD HAT ON Please do not flame each other just discuss! Otherwise we will have to shut it down! The thread underwent a clean up. If you are looking for your post pm me. MOD HAT OFF
  18. Philothei

    EO & evolution

    As far as I am concerned there is no theological "dogma" as to where evolution stands in EO. Yes there is a tendency to literal interpretation if we look at consensus but we have no idea what the consensus would be if the above mentioned fathers lived in our times. Not all EOs are evolutionists...
  19. Philothei

    Could Theism simply be a human response to the instinctual fear of death?

    But the very fact that we are able to "construct" these theologies proves that there must be such "constructs" ;) We all believe in something whether it is ourselves or this or that that is what it makes us human. And we do not cheat death.... Earthly death even for scientists does not mean end...