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  1. Svt4Him

    Divorce and remarry, return to ex wife or remain single forever

    I would just ask one question to perhaps show it may not be as black and white, if divorce is sin, and God can't sin, did God sin when He commanded His people to divorce? Then Ezra the priest stood up and said to them, “You have been unfaithful; you have married foreign women, adding to...
  2. Svt4Him

    Divorce and remarry, return to ex wife or remain single forever

    G-d hates divorce! Well, unless G-d requires it! Like when G-d told His people to divorce and they were sad because some had children. Because this is a glaring contradiction, we immediately know our understanding isn't correct as the word of God is true. Jesus wasn't asked about divorce, He was...
  3. Svt4Him

    Is Traveling a sin?

    True. It is not a Biblically defined sin, but anything done against one's own conscience can be sin. The one has to look at the root of what they believe and if it's based on truth, as moral panic, and there has been a lot of it as it's media driven, does influence a lot of people.
  4. Svt4Him

    Is Traveling a sin?

    Nope, the disciples did it. The Bible clearly says they went around in one Accord.
  5. Svt4Him

    Boy Names That Start With L

    I read some of those names and can hear "A boy named Sue" in my head. My friend Lynell does as well.
  6. Svt4Him

    Don't have children for the wrong reasons!

    I know right? Doesn't my answer make me seem miffed and like I had all the answers? I was replying in the tone of the quoted post, as noted by my use of your words in the post. Do I have all the answers? No. Do I have some? Probably.
  7. Svt4Him

    Nephilim / UFO's

    Who knows? That said, anything can be a ufo if you're really bad at identifying stuff. That said, I think there are things on earth that aren't explainable. They may be from God, from the devil, from the sons of God, or just made up, and the Bible isn't clear one way or the other, therefore it's...
  8. Svt4Him

    3 days/3 nights and the Pharisees

    Not going to debate this, but often the OT points to Jesus. Johan fled and there was punishment, and he had to throw himself over to stop God's wrath, and he spent three days in a large fish because of it. You'd also note Jonah threw himself into the water, which is the definition of a baptism...
  9. Svt4Him

    Do non-denominational churches really exist?

    Yes they do. On the other hand, I don't believe in atheists.
  10. Svt4Him

    Eating unclean and/or kosher food

    Rules of preparing kosher food are found where in the Bible? The fish was kosher, how was it prepared? I think this is a slippery slope to go down, as Jesus came in the fullness of the Jewish law, He only violated additionally imposed laws.
  11. Svt4Him

    Don't have children for the wrong reasons!

    Whereas I don't see any of your suggestions of godly parenting and find that if there were some, it would be laced with truisms and not experience. But I too expected that.
  12. Svt4Him

    How's God's Forgiveness?

    You can repent of a bad turn you made in your car by simply doing a u-turn. Repentance doesn't have to come out of being reborn, we have the law written in our heart and can be remorseful and turn from wrong because of that. Repentance unto salvation is a gift, but to repent from wrong is...
  13. Svt4Him

    I prayed and several others prayed that my Grandma wouldn't die. And she still died. Why is this???

    Humans like answers and patterns. Then we think if we can't find one, then it's somehow God's fault. My 17 year old son died a little over 2 years ago. I prayed for him when he was growing up. Maybe I could say what did God allow that to happen but I'd rather just ask how good can come of it...
  14. Svt4Him

    Discussion Prophecy videos about Trump will still be president

    I think that the prophecies re Trump should have made the Church realize that when people do things like this, fathers of the faith need to judge the word, and be accountable. Some did. And when they were wrong, then the whole team should have come out and said we missed it. In my opinion...
  15. Svt4Him

    Discussion Where do false prophets go

    I think it's important to realize we are not to judge prophecies based on the OT, as that line of prophet is done. You may disagree, and that's okay. John was the last of the OT prophets, and will be judged as such. In the NT, we are to judge prophecy as it comes up. My issue with all the...
  16. Svt4Him

    In heaven, will we be without sexual desire...?

    Not going to read all these pages. But I believe there is no sex in heaven for a variety of reasons. I believe we will be male and female, the verse quoted is in relationship to being saved, God doesn't care about your gender. But Paul asks us to refrain from getting married but do so if we...
  17. Svt4Him

    Asking to be filled with the Holy Spirit

    Cool on the book. What did your friend say about your query?
  18. Svt4Him

    Losing a child

    You have to take it one day at a time. Children are a gift. Sometimes it's easy to get stuck in the sadness of the loss without being thankful for the time we had, and the promises of God. But some days it does consume you, and you hope that it doesn't last. That normally comes in waves and it...
  19. Svt4Him

    Does anyone specialise in casting out demons/know someone who does?

    This is a quote that Smith Wigglesworth use to use. The problem is he wasn't a great reader. The reason I think this belief is wrong is it make you the final authority on all Scripture, and ignores the many many others God has chosen to bring clarity and teaching to His body. If you are a...
  20. Svt4Him

    Does a Bible verse carry more than one meaning?

    Yes because we all know in part and God may choose to reveal a part of a verse to you to expand your knowledge. I would also add that there may be times God uses a specific verse to speak to you that may be just for your, although you have to be careful in this so as not to be deceived.